EDC Serial Number
EDC0000132 |
P114 half-hourly GB electricity grid data Restricted Access: See Rights |
Data Location
EDC Stored Dataset
Spatially disaggregate half-hourly data on GB electricity generation and consumption, including detailed per-generator half-hourly generation and balancing operations. |
(none given) |
Commercial |
Other Great Britain Start: 28/12/2007 End: 31/03/2023 Half-hourly generation and consumption data for the GB national electricity transmission grid |
Usage Rights for this Data
Elexon P114 agreement The data is permitted to be used by employees of the Universities who have signed a legal agreement with Elexon and may be used for any research purpose connected to electricity trading and the operation of the British electricity system. However, the detailed disaggregate data must not be redistributed in any form. As at 1 July 2016 the following universities have signed the agreement and have been granted access rights : Brunel, Cranfield, Edinburgh, Imperial College, Leicester De Montfort, Loughborough, Newcastle, Open, Oxford, Reading, UCL, Ulster, Warwick and York. From July 2022 the London School of Economics (LSE) has been added to the agreement. NB Access to the data will only be permitted whilst an annual licence is being paid to Elexon Ltd.
You can register to use this dataset at EDC Dataset Use Registration
Data Type
Time Series |
Parameter Names
Processed Meter Data - Demand and Generation, System Buy Price, System Sell Price, |
3000 x electricity generators and suppliers |
Number of Records
999,000,000 |
IEA Category
Electricity transmission and distribution
Creator of the Data
Data made available by
ELEXON Ltd, RCUK Centre for Energy Epidemiology |
Various |
English |
P114 half-hourly GB electricity grid data Spatially disaggregate half-hourly data on GB electricity generation and consumption, including detailed per-generator half-hourly generation and balancing operations. |
Related Datasets
(none given) |
Other Information
The P114 data will be uploaded in batches currently the dataset contains folders for data released in June 2016, January 2018, January 2019, January 2020, January 2021, January 2022, January 2023 and April 2023. A data description document or read me file is available for each release. NB the number of records is very large - indicated by the value of 999M in the number of records field. |