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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_CAD0072
Title FI-0001 HyNet Homes – Understand Phase (technical)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Other infrastructure and systems R&D) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Cadent Central
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 July 2021
End Date 30 June 2022
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £916,830
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region West Midlands
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Cadent Central (99.998%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (0.001%)
Project Contact , Cadent Gas (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (0.000%)
Project Contact , Cadent Gas (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_CAD0072
Objectives This section should set out the Method or Methods that will be used in order to provide a Solution to the Problem. The type of Method should be identified where possible, eg technical or commercial. For RIIO-2 projects, apart from projects involving specific novel commercial arrangement(s), this section should also include a Measurement Quality Statement and Data Quality Statement.This project will be led by Cadent and principally by Cadents Future Networks team in conjunction with Wales & West Utilities (WWU). Cadent have accumulated experience on hydrogen projects such as HyDeploy and HyDeploy2. Experienced contractors will be hired into the project, under the management of Cadent and WWU.The project has been designed into 6 work packages. This is to ensure that work is suitably broken down across all the different areas. WP0 – Project Management and Integration: This work-package is required to ensure that the project remains on track, its outputs are of a sufficient standard, the material and planning for the project next stage is undertaken and is fully aligned with RIIO GD2 funding mechanisms. WP1 – Hydrogen production and resilience: The hydrogen production is predicated on the HyNet NW facility within the Stanlow oil refinery in Runcorn. This WP looks at the characteristics of the hydrogen production, how resilience can best be enabled and any further considerations that need to be undertaken to ensure that suitable hydrogen is available to undertake the trial. A key determinate of the project will be ensuring that consumers are reliably supplied with hydrogen throughout the duration of the trial. WP2 – Network Infrastructure: This WP looks at the network characteristics, whether the network is suitable for hydrogen conversion or what actions need to be taken to ensure that it is, how hydrogen is networked to the injection point, how the sectoral conversion of the network will occur and what network control measures, including pressure management, which needs to be put in place to ensure that the network can adequately function with hydrogen. WP3 – End User applications: Technical: Hydrogen will require new appliances to be adopted by the consumer to ensure that they are safe to be used on hydrogen. WP4 – Commercial: The cost of the hydrogen will have to be understood and the impact that this has on consumer bills, what are the liabilities of the trial and what modifications/requirements need to be made to the Uniform Network Code (UNC). WP5 – Safety Case: HyNet Homes will be the first at-scale safety case for the transportation and utilisation of 100% hydrogen within the GD system. The enabling safety case for the trial will likely form the regulatory and procedural precedents and conversion of the current GD network to operating on 100% hydrogen.Measurement Quality statement includes the fact there are a variety of specialist consultancies and two network licensees involved in the project who will constantly measure the quality output of the project. This will also be reinforced and further scrutinised by the project steering committee, which will compromise of a number of experienced gas industry professionals who will regularly monitor the output of the project. There is also expected to be a regular interface with the BEIS hydrogen trials team, who will have full access to the documents available and will be able to provide comment.This project is not expected to be particularly data heavy. There is no modelling being done as such but instead some high-level design and engineering work as required. Any data can be made available for review upon request. The scope and objectives of the Project should be clearly defined including the net benefits for consumers (eg financial, environmental, etc). This section should also detail the financial benefits which would directly accrue to the GB Gas Transportation System and/or ET or distribution.The scope can be broken down into the individual work packages. Each work package has an associated scopeWP 0: Project management and integration- The creation of a scope of works for FEED- Project execution plan for FEED including any bid documentation required- High level Basis of Design- Work package reportsWP1: Production and resilience- Functional specification. Functional specification for the resilient supply solution is appropriately defined. This includes assessment of meter point data and annual demand. The functional specification will be developed by looking at a number of different characteristics including safety, customer requirements, trial efficacy, timescales and cost-effectiveness. - Options assessment. A screening assessment of options will be included, which are to be assessed against the functional specification. There will be a strategic assessment of options including single hydrogen production plus storage, diverse hydrogen sources with no storage and feasibility of non-hydrogen forms of resilience.- Costs and deliverability of selected approaches. At least one, possibly two solutions are taken forward into a more detailed feasibility stage. - Identification of supply chain to deliver. Engagement with supply chain, including development of shortlist for FEED package and potential delivery partners.WP2: Network Infrastructure- Current network. Build a picture of demand for both annual and peak. This will include identification of users, Independent Gas Transporters (IGT). Understanding the current network assets with some asset surveys.- The network readiness for H2. Reuse of existing pipes or laying of new, pressure reduction station (PRS) next to a hydrogen production facility, budgetary implications for differing options, feasibility on credible options is undertaken.- Network Investment. Acceleration of IMR, understand timing and cost implications of this, identify the new investments required and implications of this within the business. - Early view of sectorisation of the network to carry out the conversion of the network.WP3: End User Applications- Technical feasibility: This will include assessment of appliance user types, level of supply chain readiness, counter factual to a hydrogen use-case, including the identification of alternative solutions to hydrogen.- Economic feasibility and perspective: This will include market assessment and evaluation, high level business case, what level of compensation/incentives are required, economics of the alternative solution (including cost estimate, counterfactual performance)- Hydrogen conversion approach and roll-out strategy: Surveys being undertaken, approach to pre-conversion of properties, including planning/schedule and work force requirements.WP4: Commercial - Commercial market operations. This includes identifying the market mechanisms that the trial will exist within. Hydrogen subsidy options will be considered, commercial impacts for IGTs, Cadents commercial services (including meter installation and potential boiler installation)- Uniform Network Code modifications/requirements. Look at the trial implications with regards to UNC and understand what modifications need to be made.- Billing of hydrogen. Understand the commodity balancing mechanism- Liability of Cadent. Assess and understand Cadents liability under the trial. Both from a regulatory and commercial stand point but also create an over-all risk profile document.WP5: Safety case- Understanding the regulatory approval mechanism. The regulatory approach for 100% H2 conversion is not well understood although is expected to be worked through by H21 and H100. - Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) selection and definition. At the moment there is no QRA that has been proved to form the basis of a GD safety case for 100% hydrogen. An assessment will need to be undertaken to understand the success criteria for a 100% hydrogen safety case. - Evidence base. The necessary areas of evidence will need to be reviewed relative to the existing/forecasted evidence from existing programmes. Areas of evidence that will need to be looked at include gas characteristics, network materials and assets, downstream appliances and operational procedures. Gaps will be identified, and measures put in place during the FEED. - External Dependencies. The scope of this phase of work is to scope out the evidence requirements necessary to be able to put forward a safety case for HyNet Homes and take stock of the available evidence either created or in train through other programmes. This cannot be changed once registered.The objective of this project is to enable further work and engagement to be undertaken with key stakeholders once the initial outline scope and project plan has been developed. This will include the use of an additional SME to further bolster the project team and input their specialism to ensure successful project development and eventual delivery.- The objective of this project is to look at the high-level risks and opportunities to develop a hydrogen village trial by 2025, in line with the UK Governments 10 Point Plan.- There will be a number of outputs to this project, which will initially be viewed at a suitably high level. A number of technical, economic and social factors will be investigated to create a feasible hydrogen village trial in the North West of England. - The outputs of this work will be further developed by undergoing a FEED if it is deemed necessary at the end of this first stage.
Abstract This project is a collaborative project between WWU and Cadent, which looks at the early technical development of a hydrogen village in the North West of England. The hydrogen production is being made available from the HyNets hydrogen production units within the Stanlow oil refinery, making this area potentially ideal to develop a hydrogen village trial.This project looks at hydrogen production and resilience options, network configuration, end user appliances, commercial and regulatory implications of developing a hydrogen project in this the North West. This project will act as the forerunner to more in depth engineering studies should the decision to progress the project be taken.This project sits alongside NIA FI-0002 HyNet Understand Phase (consumer).

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Added to Database 14/10/22