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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_UKPN0017
Title Optimising overhead line conductor inspection & condition assessment
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Metallurgy and Materials) 25%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 75%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Eastern Power Networks plc
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 April 2016
End Date 01 January 2018
Duration 21 months
Total Grant Value £1,520,431
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Eastern Power Networks plc (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , South Eastern Power Networks plc (0.001%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_UKPN0017
Objectives The objectives of the project are to: Identify new technologies or existing off-the shelf equipment that can monitor the condition of overhead line conductors to detect their common failure modes. Understand through trialling the new technologies or equipment the ease of deployment, the effectiveness and reliability of the techniques, safety, cost and time considerations. Produce a roadmap of the transition from the current techniques used to inspect and measure ASCR conductor condition to the new technologies and equipment. Explore the commercial mechanisms that could be considered to implement the new technologies or equipment. Produce policies and procedures, along with training manuals for deployment of the techniques. The following will be considered when assessing whether the project has been successful: Collection of overhead line inspection practices used worldwide and evaluation relative to the GB DNO market. A list of suppliers and their contact details that provide services for the inspection of overhead line conductors, along with the techniques (tested and untested) they are able to offer as an alternative to the traditional Cormon technique. Alternative techniques trialled for conductor condition assessment. A roadmap of the potential commercial routes to implement the new technologies or equipment. Produce/update policies and procedures along with training materials.
Abstract UK Power Networks currently has approximately 9,000 broad-based towers on its network. Of these, approximately 6,000 are strung with Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR), 1,200 with All-Aluminium Alloy Conductor (AAAC), and the rest is made up of a mixture of conductors. The majority of ACSR were installed in the 1950s and 1960s and it is also currently still being installed. Failure of ACSR conductors may occur when the supporting steel core deteriorates either through corrosion or is annealed through over-heating of the conductor. The steel core is protected from corrosion by high temperature grease and some earlier conductors had a bitumen paste layer. Corrosion can occur where there has been incorrect application of the grease during the manufacturing either by applying too little or applying too much. It can also occur where grease has migrated to a lower point of the conductor because of excess heat. Any presence of corrosion becomes part of the determination of asset health and can lead to very expensive conductor replacement as an element of UK Power Networks’ capital programme. Inspection of the steel core in ASCR conductor to detect corrosion is difficult as it is surrounded by the conductive aluminium strands, so is impossible to see. In 1985, an electro-magnetic device (Cormon) was developed by Central Electricity Research Laboratory (CERL) which could travel along a conductor and induce eddy currents into it. These eddy currents are sensitive to strand corrosion so that the early stages of internal corrosion may be identified. UK Power Networks continues to use Cormon devices to help identify corrosion (along with infra-red patrols using helicopter to identify over-heating), but the Cormon devices are now older technology and they are reaching the end of their life and need replacement. UK Power Networks are therefore seeking to develop new technologies or methods that can detect or predict defects in overhead line conductors. The project aims are to: Identify and generate a list of potential technologies and/or methods that are able to detect and measure common failure modes. Review the emerging techniques identified and select the techniques to be tested. This is proposed to take into account relevance to failure modes and technology readiness level (TRL). Develop an evaluation pro forma to assess the performance of the identified techniques for consideration. Test and assess each technique employed. For each technique the assessment is proposed to review: costs, time at site, ease of deployment, effectiveness and reliability of the technique and its limitations, work and safety practices and commercialisation routes. Peer review undertaken of results with other DNOs. It is possible that a multi-stage approach is adopted to inspect ASCR conductors, where we employ a preliminary coarse non-contact test to determine if a subsequent more detailed contact test using a conductor crawler type device should be carried out. In addition to ACSR, the project may explore and identify techniques to assess the condition of AAAC conductor. The reason why this is also of interest is that AAAC is currently the second most used type of conductors in UK Power Networks’ license areas. This project is planned to be carried out against the following phases: Phase 1: Literature Review of enhanced inspection techniques & condition assessment Identification of inspection techniques to measure the condition of overhead line conductors to detect common failure modes. It is envisaged this may include: Liaison and surveying with worldwide network owners of overhead lines to develop an understanding of best in class inspections. Review of related company, national, and international practices to identify beneficial or obsolete practices. Review of existing papers and reports to best leverage existing knowledge in the relevant subject areas. Post phase 1 we will hold a DNO forum on project insights and determine whether other DNOs wish to partner for phase 2 and onwards. Therefore, dependent on additional funding licensees coming on-board, the project may resubmit an updated registration document on to the ENA smarter network portal to take any changes into account. Such changes may also include additional trial sites and demonstrations and therefore the updated registration may include updates, such as time and/or cost changes. Phase 2: Identity & select techniques Identify and generate a list of potential technologies and/or methods that are able to detect and measure conditions that lead to common failure modes in the conductor type(s) of focus. Review and assess the emerging techniques identified and select the techniques to be tested. This is proposed to take into account relevance to failure modes and TRL. Applicability of technologies to GB networks, taking into account network design, materials, health & safety practices, etc. Selection of candidate techniques based on expert recommendation and peer review. Development of an evaluation pro forma to assess the performance of each technique that will be trialled. Phase 3: Design, build and production of prototypes Develop, design and build several prototype devices or obtain existing equipment that is commercially available or enhance commercially available equipment. Phase 4: Trial prototypes Train a small number of inspectors on the use of the prototypes or equipment. Undertake trials at overhead line infrastructure and assess each technique employed against the developed evaluation pro forma. This assessment is proposed to include costs, time at site, ease of deployment, effectiveness and reliability of the technique and its limitations, working and safety practices and commercialisation routes. Phase 5: Development of equipment, systems and policies Support further development of units based on feedback of use by inspectors. Peer review with other DNOs’ inspection techniques to identify the safest and most cost effective. Produce instructional guide on use of technology. Develop a commercial approach business case for evaluation of purchase, hire, and service provider alternatives for performing the inspection work using the selected technologies. Produce report detailing how the system works and overhead line conductor inspection & maintenance policies (this may include a multiple approach where we employ a preliminary coarse non-contact test to determine if a subsequent more detailed contact test using a conductor crawler type device should be carried out). Develop any necessary training materials. Training on use of inspection techniques to inspectors. Production of a strategy for the enhanced inspection for the conductor type(s) of focus to be available to all GB DNOs.Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 17/09/18