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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_UKPN0055
Title Arc Aid
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
UK Power Networks
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 03 February 2020
End Date 02 January 2023
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £571,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , UK Power Networks (99.998%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Eastern Power Networks plc (0.001%)
Project Contact , Western Power Distribution (WPD) - South West (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , UK Power Networks (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_UKPN0055
Objectives This project will trial a new type of fault indicator (Metrysense 5000) which will help locate faults in a shorter time compared to a full line patrol, therefore reducing operational costs, number of customers being off supply and Customer Minutes Lost (CMLs). This will also decrease the time a life conductor is on the ground, and teherfore increase public safety.Metrysense 5000 is a fault indicator suitable for the arc suppression coil network arrangement, which can offer detailed information to a DNOs control centre on the fault location. This has been used successfully in other countries for similar network configurations but at higher voltage levels. This technology has never been tested in the United Kingdom.Metrysense 5000 will send real time data once integrated into UK Power Networks and WPDs SCADA system. As part of the project, the fault indicator will be tested first at the Power Networks Demonstration Centre (PNDC) in a simulated network environment. If the testing is successful, it will be followed by training of operational staff, integration into the SCADA system, equipment installation and commissioning across 5 11kV feeders in EPN and 10 33kV feeders from a Bulk Supply Point (BSP) in the South West .October 2020This project required an extension to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 related lockdown. As such the duration of the project was increased by three months and will now end in October 2021. The scope of the project is to:Procure the equipment required for the testing at the PNDC and for the network trialTest the Metrysense 5000 fault indicator at the PNDC in conditions that replicate the networkAnalyse the results from the PNDC trial to assess if the technology is suitableTrain staff in the installation of these unitsInstall units in EPNInstall units in South WestIntegrate the sensors into UK Power Networks and Western Power distributions control and SCADA systemCollect data in the trial areaIf the trial successfully confirm the expected benefits, the business case (i.e. Cost Benefit Analysis- CBA) will be updated based on the project findings and create a new standard and procedure for the implementation of the technology into the businessPlan the adoption of this new type of fault indicator as Business as Usual (BaU) solution October 2020In order to fulfill the project objectives the following changes in scope were implemented:- The testing method at PNDC was updated to be real time digital simulation (RTDS) as it offers more conclusive findings and better quality data remotely and does not require physical witnessing which is problematic during this pandemic- An additional phase of cybersecurity testing (Western Power Distribution)The budget was updated to account for these additional and/or revised deliverables.November 2021The project requires extension and additional budget as the SCADA and control integration is more complex than initially envisioned. This budget and time will allow the following additional scope:Relay installation and commissioningSCADA systems integration and testing (the initial integration was only a symbol and alarm, this is in addition to that)PowerOn full integration with migration from suppliers platformAugust 2022The project is requesting a 5-month extension with new end date in January 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, no budget increase is required. The commissioning of protection is the main activity delaying the project finalisation; It has been delayed and the delivery would take place after the project end date. Also, the operational team has requested to supplier an additional functionality to be implemented to enable UK Power Networks SCADA system to request and poll for data at any time from suppliers software.The increased project duration will allow for the following activities to be carried out:- Commissioning of protection relays at specific primary substations.- Refinement of the integration into SCADA system in line with UK Power Networks requirements and further testing. The new type of fault indicator (Metrysense 5000) has proven during live trials to help locate faults in a shorter time compared to a full line patrol, therefore reducing operational costs, the number of customers off supply and Customer Minutes Lost (CMLs).These remaining activities are essential for the full integration of this solution allowing for the performance of the units to be achieved and to prove their benefits in the long term. This is vital to the long term BaU strategy to continue to employ Arc Suppression Coil (ASC) earthed systems going forward. The project aims to:- Trial the Metrysense 5000 fault indicator- Demonstrate how this unit can be utilised to improve the fault location in case of ASC earthing configurations, therefore helping to keep Peterson coils network arrangements commissioned safely - Analyse how reliable, robust and cost effective the new protection/monitoring system is - Demonstrate how operational costs and CMLs can be reduced on trial feeders if the technology is successful- Assess the safety improvement following the deployment of the units
Abstract This project will trial a new type of fault indicator (Metrysense 5000) which will help locate faults in a shorter time compared to a full line patrol, therefore reducing operational costs, the number of customers off supply and Customer Minutes Lost (CMLs). This will also decrease the time a live conductor could potentially be on the ground, and therefore will reduce the risk to members of the public.Metrysense 5000 is a fault indicator suitable for the arc suppression coil network arrangement, which can offer detailed information to a DNOs control centre on the fault location. This has been used successfully in other countries for similar network configurations but at higher voltage levels. This technology has never been tested in the United Kingdom.Metrysense 5000 will send real time data once integrated into UK Power Networks and WPDs SCADA system. As part of the project, the fault indicator will be tested first at the Power Networks Demonstration Centre (PNDC) in a simulated network environment. If the testing is successful, it will be followed by training of operational staff, integration into the SCADA system, equipment installation and commissioning across five 11kV feeders in EPN and 10 33kV feeders from a Bulk Supply Point (BSP) in the South West.

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Added to Database 02/11/22