Projects: Projects for Investigator |
Reference Number | EP/P013600/2 | |
Title | JUNO: A Network for Japan - UK Nuclear Opportunities | |
Status | Completed | |
Energy Categories | Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Nuclear Fission) 100%; | |
Research Types | Applied Research and Development 100% | |
Science and Technology Fields | PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Physics) 100% | |
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation | Other (Energy technology information dissemination) 100% | |
Principal Investigator |
Professor MJ Joyce No email address given Engineering Lancaster University |
Award Type | Standard | |
Funding Source | EPSRC | |
Start Date | 01 March 2023 | |
End Date | 01 March 2024 | |
Duration | 13 months | |
Total Grant Value | £258,330 | |
Industrial Sectors | Energy | |
Region | North West | |
Programme | Energy : Energy | |
Investigators | Principal Investigator | Professor MJ Joyce , Engineering, Lancaster University (99.991%) |
Other Investigator | Dr WJ (Bill ) Nuttall , Design & Innovation, Open University (0.001%) Dr AG Buchan , Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London (0.001%) Dr J Hriljac , School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham (0.001%) Professor B Lee , Materials, Imperial College London (0.001%) Dr C Corkhill , Engineering Materials, University of Sheffield (0.001%) Professor BC Hanson , Inst of Particle Science & Engineering, University of Leeds (0.001%) Professor CC Pain , Department of Earth Sciences, Imperial College London (0.001%) Dr JC Renshaw , Sch of Geography, Earth & Env Sciences, University of Birmingham (0.001%) Dr CR Jones , Psychology, University of Sheffield (0.001%) |
Web Site | ||
Objectives | ||
Abstract | The UK and Japan have a long established co-operation in the field of civil nuclear energy, originating in the 1960s. Following the Great East Japan Earthquake, on 11 March 2011, leading to partial melt down of three boiling water reactors at the Fukushima Daiici site (Units 1-3), the UK and Japan have established a strong collaboration in the field of nuclear decommissioning and waste management.The Governments of UK and Japan recognise the importance of stronger collaboration and co-operation in the field of civil nuclear energy, to address the challenges of legacy decommissioning and waste management, and exploitation of nuclear fission technology as a safe, affordable, low carbon energy supply. Accordingly, a Japan - UK framework for Civil Nuclear Co-operation was established in 2012, leading to an annual UK - Japan Nuclear Dialogue to strengthen bi-lateral co-operation in civil nuclear energy.The JUNO Network for Japan - UK Nuclear Opportunities will build on the annual Nuclear Dialogue, and the existing portfolio of bi-lateral projects established through the EPSRC / MEXT sponsored UK - Japan Civil Nuclear Research Programme. The primary aim is to nurture and network the UK and Japan academic communities in civil nuclear energy, leading to the collaborative development of novel methodologies and tools, to address common challenges in decommissioning and waste management, reactor safety and regulation, nuclear energy policy, public communication and engagement, and environmental safety.To realise this aim, the Network will organise a regular Network meeting and theme focused discussions, with a focus on knowledge exchange, deriving research questions, developing collaborative projects, and disseminating experience and outcomes. The Network will pump prime and monitor development of collaborations through targeted support for short visits, secondments, pilot scale projects and other activities. | |
Data | No related datasets |
Projects | No related projects |
Publications | No related publications |
Added to Database | 28/06/23 |