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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/102072/01
Title JellyMonitor: developing a jellyfish early warning system for coastal power stations
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electric power conversion) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 50%;
Final stage Development and Demonstration 50%;
Science and Technology Fields BIOLOGICAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (Biological Sciences) 25%;
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) 75%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 75%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Environmental dimensions) 25%;
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Cefas Technology Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 April 2015
End Date 31 March 2018
Duration 36 months
Total Grant Value £383,415
Industrial Sectors
Region East of England
Programme Competition Call: 1403_CRD2_ENE_GEN_DCNS - Developing the civil nuclear supply chain CRD. Activity Developing the civil nuclear supply chain ( CR&D)
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Cefas Technology Limited (38.036%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , University of East Anglia (32.971%)
Project Contact , The Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) (22.473%)
Project Contact , EDF Energy R&D UK Centre Limited (6.520%)
Web Site
Abstract Blockage of intakes by jellyfish and other marine objects causes serious economic disruption and gives rise to safety concerns for coastal power stations. To combat unexpected arrival of clogging materials, a consortium of CTL, UEA, Cefas and EDF Energy will design, build and test an imaging system for the detection of jellyfish in coastal waters. The system will be designed for use by power station operators to provide an early warning of jellyfish blooms in their vicinity. The aim is to integrate different types of cameras in an innovative, rugged sensor package which can transmit data back to land. The cameras will be able to see even in turbid water by using ultrasound. The system will be built and tested in three stages: 1) under controlled conditions in a large saltwater aquarium facility, 2) during supervised short deployments at a coastal test site and 3) during an extended autonomous installation at a power station site. The instrument will ultimately be used as part of a comprehensive early warning and mitigation service for coastal power station and desalination plant operators , with potential also for use in aquaculture.Blockage of intakes by jellyfish and other marine objects causes serious economic disruption and gives rise to safety concerns for coastal power stations. To combat unexpected arrival of clogging materials, a consortium of CTL, UEA, Cefas and EDF Energy will design, build and test an imaging system for the detection of jellyfish in coastal waters. The system will be designed for use by power station operators to provide an early warning of jellyfish blooms in their vicinity. The aim is to integrate different types of cameras in an innovative, rugged sensor package which can transmit data back to land. The cameras will be able to see even in turbid water by using ultrasound. The system will be built and tested in three stages: 1) under controlled conditions in a large saltwater aquarium facility, 2) during supervised short deployments at a coastal test site and 3) during an extended autonomous installation at a power station site. The instrument will ultimately be used as part of a comprehensive early warning and mitigation service for coastal power station and desalination plant operators , with potential also for use in aquaculture.Blockage of intakes by jellyfish and other marine objects causes serious economic disruption and gives rise to safety concerns for coastal power stations. To combat unexpected arrival of clogging materials, a consortium of CTL, UEA, Cefas and EDF Energy will design, build and test an imaging system for the detection of jellyfish in coastal waters. The system will be designed for use by power station operators to provide an early warning of jellyfish blooms in their vicinity. The aim is to integrate different types of cameras in an innovative, rugged sensor package which can transmit data back to land. The cameras will be able to see even in turbid water by using ultrasound. The system will be built and tested in three stages: 1) under controlled conditions in a large saltwater aquarium facility, 2) during supervised short deployments at a coastal test site and 3) during an extended autonomous installation at a power station site. The instrument will ultimately be used as part of a comprehensive early warning and mitigation service for coastal power station and desalination plant operators , with potential also for use in aquaculture.Blockage of intakes by jellyfish and other marine objects causes serious economic disruption and gives rise to safety concerns for coastal power stations. To combat unexpected arrival of clogging materials, a consortium of CTL, UEA, Cefas and EDF Energy will design, build and test an imaging system for the detection of jellyfish in coastal waters. The system will be designed for use by power station operators to provide an early warning of jellyfish blooms in their vicinity. The aim is to integrate different types of cameras in an innovative, rugged sensor package which can transmit data back to land. The cameras will be able to see even in turbid water by using ultrasound. The system will be built and tested in three stages: 1) under controlled conditions in a large saltwater aquarium facility, 2) during supervised short deployments at a coastal test site and 3) during an extended autonomous installation at a power station site. The instrument will ultimately be used as part of a comprehensive early warning and mitigation service for coastal power station and desalination plant operators , with potential also for use in aquaculture.

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