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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number 36/8/305
Title Energy efficiency in non-domestic homes
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Residential and commercial) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Architecture and the Built Environment) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Environmental dimensions) 25%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Policy and regulation) 75%;
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Building Research Establishment (BRE) Ltd
Award Type Standard
Funding Source DCLG
Start Date 01 June 2001
End Date 27 May 2005
Duration 47 months
Total Grant Value £879,466
Industrial Sectors Manufacturing
Region East of England
Programme DCLG Building regulations research and technical support
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Building Research Establishment (BRE) Ltd (100.000%)
Web Site
Objectives (BD2111) The objectives of this project are to: 2.1 Provide expert and technical support to Building Regulations Division on Part L 2.2 Provide support to industry during the transition period through a dedicated helpline, the revision of lighting guidance and the application of the Carbon Performance Index 2.3 Preparation of a regulatory impact assessment 2.4 Review the operation and impact of the revised regulations 2.5 Develop new lighting provisions to cover lighting control, solar shadinga nd ther elevance of building type to energy efficient lighting 2.6 Extend the Carbon Performance Index (CPI) to produce benchmarks for the retail (departmental store) and leisure sectors 2.7 Develop building MOT methodologies for future regulation 2.8 Review developments on Codes, Standards and other guidance relevant to Approved Document L 2.9 Investigate the implications of extending building regulations to existing buildings to upgrade their energy performance (as part of the ENPER-TEBUCSA V E programme)
Abstract This project is intended to meet the DETR’s objectives of addressing safety and health issues in buildings described in Prospectus 2000. The project relates to the Priority Area and Theme of “Codes and standards & other building regulation issues”. The work described in the proposal continues to develop approaches to improving the energy efficiency of non-domestic buildings, for possible inclusion in Part L, addressed in DETR/BRE framework contract CI 36/8/82 (cc1666) ending March 2001. It is concerned principally with non-domestic buildings but includes topics concerned with lighting and air infiltration for dwellings. It is closely linked to the parallel proposal (CI 36/8/304 “Domestic building energy performance”) whose primary focus is on aspects related to dwellings, but which covers issues concerned with fabric transmission (U-values, thermal bridging and related topics) for all buildings. The project will support the review and implementation of Approved Document L by providing a firm scientific understanding in particular of the aspects that relate to non-domestic buildings. Specific subjects that will be addressed in this project include: - The adoption of proposals from the year 2000 Consultation by industry - The Carbon Performance Index (CPI) for offices, hotels, department stores and leisure sports facilities - Proposals for building “log-books” and building periodic testing (MOTs)- Further developments in guidance for lighting requirements - Guidance in the use of solar shading - Ongoing activity in, and review of, Codes, Standards and other guidance - Opportunities to address the existing building stock - Regulatory impact assessment. Summary of results: This project provided significant input to the review and development of Part L of the Building Regulations. It principally covered services issues such as air conditioning and lighting, however it also covered fabricissues such as airtightness. Guidance in support of Part L was produced. A number of small research topics were also addressed. A review of the health effects of poor daylighting recommended the inclusion of minimum daylight levels in the appropriate Health and Safety areas of the Building Regulations - not in ADL. Draft guidance for inclusion in AD L2 was developed on lighting controls. This guidance was also used to prepare a BRE Digest. A review of the implications for Building Regulationsofthe EU Building Energy Performance Directive identified where new mechanisms were needed, e.g. in assessing the performance of existing buildings and boiler and air conditioning plant inspections. To extend the Carbon Performance Rating (CPR) methodology, or similar, to other non-domestic buildings it was recommended that a rating system based on specific activity areas be developed. Overall CPR's could then be produced by combining the elements as appropriate. The outputs were fed into subsequent work to produce the 2005 revision of Part L and its consultation.

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Added to Database 12/09/07