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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number BB/L013800/1
Status Completed
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources(Bio-Energy, Other bio-energy) 25%;
Not Energy Related 75%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields BIOLOGICAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (Biological Sciences) 25%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 50%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Environmental dimensions) 25%;
Other (Energy technology information dissemination) 25%;
Principal Investigator Prof N (Nigel ) Minton
No email address given
Centre for Biomolecular Sciences
University of Nottingham
Award Type Research Grant
Funding Source BBSRC
Start Date 26 March 2014
End Date 25 March 2019
Duration 60 months
Total Grant Value £642,979
Industrial Sectors Transport Systems and Vehicles
Region East Midlands
Programme Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (NIBB)
Investigators Principal Investigator Prof N (Nigel ) Minton , Centre for Biomolecular Sciences, University of Nottingham (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Prof D (David ) Fell , Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Oxford Brookes University (0.001%)
Web Site https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=BB/L013800/1
Objectives Trends in capital investment within the chemicals sector suggests that the bulk and speciality chemicals sectors, both of which have traditionally been strengths of the UK production industry, are following the pharmaceuticals sector to SE Asia. If the UK is to remain competitive across the Bulk and Speciality chemicals sectors we must forge a new generation of processes with intrinsic emphasis on efficiency, process integration and resource management. Developing technology platforms with a reduced dependence on traditional petroleum based materials is acknowledged as the only long-term solution to sustainability.
Looking at the local market rationale for this C1NET proposition, the chemical-using industries continue to be one of the strongest sectors of the UK economy, employing 230,000 highly skilled people, spending 3.5 billion on R&D and the UK's top manufacturing export earner. Its products are the basis for almost every manufacturing activity. However, it is also energy-intensive and almost totally dependent on imported petroleum as its basic raw material. It is vulnerable to rising global oil prices and disruption to global oil supplies. C1NET will strategically de-risk this reliance on petroleum, delivering supply chain security and reducing environmental.
Almost every major chemical company has set ambitious targets to lower their carbon footprint, or even to become carbon neutral. To achieve this there must be re-alignment from fossil fuel dependencies and efficient use of carbon in its simplest forms, specifically of C1 gases that may be generated as by-products from other existing processes (CO, CO2 and CH4).
Specifically C1NET will deliver impact in the following sectors:
ECONOMY: Sustainability is the major issue facing the global chemical industry. Not only is there concern for our environment, there is also is a strong economic driver. Shareholders place emphasis on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (http://www.sustainability-index.comthat tracks the performance of the chemicals industry and engenders competition. A commitment to responsible innovation, and the application of SB as a key platform to products will secure the UK lead in innovation and chemicals production.
PEOPLE: There is a clear and increasing demand for highly qualified technologists that are trained to lead innovation and manage the deployment of SB based techniques into industry. C1NET offers a market driven shared vision towards products and processes. It will deliver highly skilled individuals via the joint funding programmes and training that will be well placed to influence and manage the required change to sustainable working practices across chemical manufacturing industries.
SOCIETY: The diverse range of products manufactured by the chemical-using industries is vital to maintaining a high quality of life in the UK, C1NET will have a direct impact on thisactivity by ensuring a supplyof people and newknowled ge t o secure sustainability of the sector for the benefit of all. The green and sustainable agenda is now firmly fixed in the public consciousness, C1NET will be an exemplar of how scientists and engineers can provide real solutions to very challenging scientific and technical problems, for the benefit of society
KNOWLEDGE: In addition to increasing the supply of highly trained people, the results of research performed C1NET will have a major impact on knowledge. C1NET researchers will tackle big problems in sustainable chemistry, and via our industrial partners we will ensure that new knowledge is applied in industry. Knowledge based activity will drive innovation and economic activity for UK PLC creating new jobs and securing the future.
Abstract We will create a vibrant community of UK academics tasked with unravelling the biological, chemical and process engineering aspects of gas fermentation and to steer translational outputs towards commercial application through the following activities:-
SANDPIT EVENTS: organised to meet defied challenges set by C1NET MB, and which are periodically revised. Pump-priming projects aimed at proof of concept will be selected following review.
WORKSHOPS: to provide training for PDRAs and PhD students in key enabling technologies, eg., gene transfer/ manipulation, genome-scale modelling and gas fermentation.
ANNUAL MEETINGS: to showcase the activities of C1NET, inviting selected international experts to inform on the global perspective.
JOINT EXPERIMENTS: on goal specific, strategic objectives will be funded between Network members, to support grant submissions in response to national and international calls.
COMMUNICATION: will be maintained through a website, providing updates and Case Studies on C1NET developments. A quarterly newsletter, and flyers will also be distributed at national and international meetings and by emailing.
OUTREACH: we will promote and educate the wider scientific community, policy makers and society at large, to identify and foster relationships with key stakeholders who can assist in developing and promoting C1NET activities and outputs.
TRAINING: We will support and encourage the participation and development of the PDRAs and students of C1NET members, through presentation at conferences and participation in sandpits, workshops and joint experiments.
All of these aspects have been covered by the amassed Network membership of C1NET. New membership will be encouraged through the network activities (meetings, website, TSB Connect and through the NNFCC and KTNs) and representation at relevant trade meetings. We will also directly approach stakeholder groups and private sectors that we believe should be involved.

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Added to Database 01/12/14