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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number EP/Y003136/1
Title Connected and Coordinated Train Operation and Traction Power Supply Systems (COOPS)
Status Started
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Transport) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Dr Z Tian

Electronic, Electrical and Computer Eng
University of Birmingham
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 01 March 2024
End Date 28 February 2026
Duration 24 months
Total Grant Value £165,733
Industrial Sectors Information Technologies
Region West Midlands
Programme ISPF Non ODA ECR International
Investigators Principal Investigator Dr Z Tian , Electronic, Electrical and Computer Eng, University of Birmingham (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands (0.000%)
Project Contact , WSP (0.000%)
Project Contact , ETAP Automation Ltd (0.000%)
Project Contact , EneRail (0.000%)
Project Contact , Tracsis plc (0.000%)
Web Site
Abstract The British railway transport demand is forecast to increase by around 40% by 2040, as a result of population growth, socio-economic globalisation and sustainable mobility decarbonisation. The enhancement of capacity and efficiency is the major challenge to the railway network, which is already near saturation conditions. Automatic Train Operation (ATO) with advanced signalling systems, such as Moving Block and Virtual Coupling, have been investigated to reduce train separation distances and increase the infrastructure capacity. However, more trains with advanced operation systems affect the performance of traction power supply systems, For example, the synchronisation of train acceleration and braking operation increases the peak power and reduces the energy efficiency due to regenerative braking energy loss. The current technological capabilities do not permit accurate and real-time interaction assessment between the train operation and power networks. Therefore, it is important to develop a holistic approach to improving railway capacity and efficiency.This collaborative project will exchange the international partners' knowledge in train operation and traction power systems and investigate the flow mechanism between these two distinct systems. A digital twin with adaptive timescales and real-time data feeding will be developed to describe the interactions of the connected and coordinated systems. The outputs from the digital twin replicate the characteristics of real-world railway networks precisely. The multi-scenario simulation studies analyse the impact of various system design and control variables on performance, such as infrastructure capacity, efficiency and cost. The system performance will be evaluated and compared with the existing system. This project will build international partnerships through bilateral visits, and engagement workshops with global academic and industry partners. The project will also provide a roadmap for future collaboration on optimising the railway capacity and efficiency for decarbonisation.

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