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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/131861/01
Title Delivering water security for all during shale gas production
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Other oil and gas) 50%;
Not Energy Related 50%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Chemical Engineering) 50%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 25%;
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) 25%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Concepture Limited
Award Type Feasibility Study
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 April 2015
End Date 30 November 2015
Duration 8 months
Total Grant Value £81,976
Industrial Sectors
Region South East
Programme Competition Call: 1406_FS_ENRG_SG - Shale Gas. Activity Developing technologies for safe and responsible exploration of shale gas
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Concepture Limited (11.329%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Chemistry, Imperial College London (26.698%)
Project Contact , Chemistry, Cardiff University (12.068%)
Project Contact , University of Surrey (13.380%)
Project Contact , WSP (36.525%)
Web Site
Abstract There is currently significant concern in some segments of the public about the potential impact of shale gas exploitation on water. By taking a more holistic approach to local water management, these concerns can be addressed and appropriate water infrastructure can be created which benefits local communities and the environment as well as making gas development safer and more sustainable. Concepture, along with its commercial partners WSP and academic partners Imperial College London, the University of Surrey and Cardiff University, are undertaking a study of an innovative new water management system which monitors and controls the quality of water across the locality where fracking operations are under way. Part of the management system is developed on behalf of local communities and can also be used for other freshwater services, such as flood prevention. The other part is dedicated to controlling the quality of water within a shale gas site and intended for use by the gas industry. Both systems are controlled by a 'smart' central control system, taking into account the overall needs of a catchment area and the prevailing water conditions.There is currently significant concern in some segments of the public about the potential impact of shale gas exploitation on water. By taking a more holistic approach to local water management, these concerns can be addressed and appropriate water infrastructure can be created which benefits local communities and the environment as well as making gas development safer and more sustainable. Concepture, along with its commercial partners WSP and academic partners Imperial College London, the University of Surrey and Cardiff University, are undertaking a study of an innovative new water management system which monitors and controls the quality of water across the locality where fracking operations are under way. Part of the management system is developed on behalf of local communities and can also be used for other freshwater services, such as flood prevention. The other part is dedicated to controlling the quality of water within a shale gas site and intended for use by the gas industry. Both systems are controlled by a 'smart' central control system, taking into account the overall needs of a catchment area and the prevailing water conditions.There is currently significant concern in some segments of the public about the potential impact of shale gas exploitation on water. By taking a more holistic approach to local water management, these concerns can be addressed and appropriate water infrastructure can be created which benefits local communities and the environment as well as making gas development safer and more sustainable. Concepture, along with its commercial partners WSP and academic partners Imperial College London, the University of Surrey and Cardiff University, are undertaking a study of an innovative new water management system which monitors and controls the quality of water across the locality where fracking operations are under way. Part of the management system is developed on behalf of local communities and can also be used for other freshwater services, such as flood prevention. The other part is dedicated to controlling the quality of water within a shale gas site and intended for use by the gas industry. Both systems are controlled by a 'smart' central control system, taking into account the overall needs of a catchment area and the prevailing water conditions.There is currently significant concern in some segments of the public about the potential impact of shale gas exploitation on water. By taking a more holistic approach to local water management, these concerns can be addressed and appropriate water infrastructure can be created which benefits local communities and the environment as well as making gas development safer and more sustainable. Concepture, along with its commercial partners WSP and academic partners Imperial College London, the University of Surrey and Cardiff University, are undertaking a study of an innovative new water management system which monitors and controls the quality of water across the locality where fracking operations are under way. Part of the management system is developed on behalf of local communities and can also be used for other freshwater services, such as flood prevention. The other part is dedicated to controlling the quality of water within a shale gas site and intended for use by the gas industry. Both systems are controlled by a 'smart' central control system, taking into account the overall needs of a catchment area and the prevailing water conditions.There is currently significant concern in some segments of the public about the potential impact of shale gas exploitation on water. By taking a more holistic approach to local water management, these concerns can be addressed and appropriate water infrastructure can be created which benefits local communities and the environment as well as making gas development safer and more sustainable. Concepture, along with its commercial partners WSP and academic partners Imperial College London, the University of Surrey and Cardiff University, are undertaking a study of an innovative new water management system which monitors and controls the quality of water across the locality where fracking operations are under way. Part of the management system is developed on behalf of local communities and can also be used for other freshwater services, such as flood prevention. The other part is dedicated to controlling the quality of water within a shale gas site and intended for use by the gas industry. Both systems are controlled by a 'smart' central control system, taking into account the overall needs of a catchment area and the prevailing water conditions.

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Added to Database 03/08/15