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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/101990/01
Title Ebbs and Flows of Energy Systems (EFES)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Transport) 20%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 50%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Energy storage) 30%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Systems Analysis related to energy R&D (Energy modelling) 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Cenex (Centre of Excellence For Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies)
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 January 2015
End Date 30 June 2017
Duration 30 months
Total Grant Value £782,189
Industrial Sectors
Region East Midlands
Programme Competition Call: 1401_CRD_SUST_LES - Localised energy systems. Activity Localised energy systems- a cross-sector approach
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Cenex (Centre of Excellence For Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies) (28.404%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Manchester Science Parks Limited (6.414%)
Project Contact , Energy Saving Trust Enterprises Limited (6.308%)
Project Contact , Potenza Technology Limited (29.957%)
Project Contact , Kam Futures Limited (5.753%)
Project Contact , Moixa Technology Limited (23.164%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Chemistry, Cardiff University (0.000%)
Project Contact , University of Warwick (0.000%)
Web Site
Abstract The Ebbs and Flows of Energy Systems (EFES) project looks to develop a grid balancing platform to provide electrical support to the national grid during peak energy demand times, such as evenings. The project will achieve this through development of a virtual power plant (VPP), a cloud based 'power plant', capable of utilising dispirate electricity storage assets through a software package and controlled by utility providers. Supporting technology will also be developed through this project, including; a building energy management system (BEMS) for domestic and commercial building control functionality to support the VPP, domestic battery storage (BS) to store electricity during low tariff times for re-distribution during peak demand and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) electric vehicle (EV) charging capability to enable EVs to act as a battery store. The VPP will use current and historical consumer data to caculate the available battery provision to the national grid. The result of this support is a reduced requirement for rapid response services in the way of fossil fuel power plants, generating both a economic and environmental savings.The Ebbs and Flows of Energy Systems (EFES) project looks to develop a grid balancing platform to provide electrical support to the national grid during peak energy demand times, such as evenings. The project will achieve this through development of a virtual power plant (VPP), a cloud based 'power plant', capable of utilising dispirate electricity storage assets through a software package and controlled by utility providers. Supporting technology will also be developed through this project, including; a building energy management system (BEMS) for domestic and commercial building control functionality to support the VPP, domestic battery storage (BS) to store electricity during low tariff times for re-distribution during peak demand and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) electric vehicle (EV) charging capability to enable EVs to act as a battery store. The VPP will use current and historical consumer data to caculate the available battery provision to the national grid. The result of this support is a reduced requirement for rapid response services in the way of fossil fuel power plants, generating both a economic and environmental savings.The Ebbs and Flows of Energy Systems (EFES) project looks to develop a grid balancing platform to provide electrical support to the national grid during peak energy demand times, such as evenings. The project will achieve this through development of a virtual power plant (VPP), a cloud based 'power plant', capable of utilising dispirate electricity storage assets through a software package and controlled by utility providers. Supporting technology will also be developed through this project, including; a building energy management system (BEMS) for domestic and commercial building control functionality to support the VPP, domestic battery storage (BS) to store electricity during low tariff times for re-distribution during peak demand and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) electric vehicle (EV) charging capability to enable EVs to act as a battery store. The VPP will use current and historical consumer data to caculate the available battery provision to the national grid. The result of this support is a reduced requirement for rapid response services in the way of fossil fuel power plants, generating both a economic and environmental savings.The Ebbs and Flows of Energy Systems (EFES) project looks to develop a grid balancing platform to provide electrical support to the national grid during peak energy demand times, such as evenings. The project will achieve this through development of a virtual power plant (VPP), a cloud based 'power plant', capable of utilising dispirate electricity storage assets through a software package and controlled by utility providers. Supporting technology will also be developed through this project, including; a building energy management system (BEMS) for domestic and commercial building control functionality to support the VPP, domestic battery storage (BS) to store electricity during low tariff times for re-distribution during peak demand and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) electric vehicle (EV) charging capability to enable EVs to act as a battery store. The VPP will use current and historical consumer data to caculate the available battery provision to the national grid. The result of this support is a reduced requirement for rapid response services in the way of fossil fuel power plants, generating both a economic and environmental savings.The Ebbs and Flows of Energy Systems (EFES) project looks to develop a grid balancing platform to provide electrical support to the national grid during peak energy demand times, such as evenings. The project will achieve this through development of a virtual power plant (VPP), a cloud based 'power plant', capable of utilising dispirate electricity storage assets through a software package and controlled by utility providers. Supporting technology will also be developed through this project, including; a building energy management system (BEMS) for domestic and commercial building control functionality to support the VPP, domestic battery storage (BS) to store electricity during low tariff times for re-distribution during peak demand and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) electric vehicle (EV) charging capability to enable EVs to act as a battery store. The VPP will use current and historical consumer data to caculate the available battery provision to the national grid. The result of this support is a reduced requirement for rapid response services in the way of fossil fuel power plants, generating both a economic and environmental savings.The Ebbs and Flows of Energy Systems (EFES) project looks to develop a grid balancing platform to provide electrical support to the national grid during peak energy demand times, such as evenings. The project will achieve this through development of a virtual power plant (VPP), a cloud based 'power plant', capable of utilising dispirate electricity storage assets through a software package and controlled by utility providers. Supporting technology will also be developed through this project, including; a building energy management system (BEMS) for domestic and commercial building control functionality to support the VPP, domestic battery storage (BS) to store electricity during low tariff times for re-distribution during peak demand and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) electric vehicle (EV) charging capability to enable EVs to act as a battery store. The VPP will use current and historical consumer data to caculate the available battery provision to the national grid. The result of this support is a reduced requirement for rapid response services in the way of fossil fuel power plants, generating both a economic and environmental savings.The Ebbs and Flows of Energy Systems (EFES) project looks to develop a grid balancing platform to provide electrical support to the national grid during peak energy demand times, such as evenings. The project will achieve this through development of a virtual power plant (VPP), a cloud based 'power plant', capable of utilising dispirate electricity storage assets through a software package and controlled by utility providers. Supporting technology will also be developed through this project, including; a building energy management system (BEMS) for domestic and commercial building control functionality to support the VPP, domestic battery storage (BS) to store electricity during low tariff times for re-distribution during peak demand and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) electric vehicle (EV) charging capability to enable EVs to act as a battery store. The VPP will use current and historical consumer data to caculate the available battery provision to the national grid. The result of this support is a reduced requirement for rapid response services in the way of fossil fuel power plants, generating both a economic and environmental savings.The Ebbs and Flows of Energy Systems (EFES) project looks to develop a grid balancing platform to provide electrical support to the national grid during peak energy demand times, such as evenings. The project will achieve this through development of a virtual power plant (VPP), a cloud based 'power plant', capable of utilising dispirate electricity storage assets through a software package and controlled by utility providers. Supporting technology will also be developed through this project, including; a building energy management system (BEMS) for domestic and commercial building control functionality to support the VPP, domestic battery storage (BS) to store electricity during low tariff times for re-distribution during peak demand and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) electric vehicle (EV) charging capability to enable EVs to act as a battery store. The VPP will use current and historical consumer data to caculate the available battery provision to the national grid. The result of this support is a reduced requirement for rapid response services in the way of fossil fuel power plants, generating both a economic and environmental savings.

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Added to Database 07/08/15