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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/102204/01
Title Engineered textile blade with actively controlled surface/profile
Status Completed
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources(Wind Energy) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Metallurgy and Materials) 25%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 25%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 50%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
SMAR Azure Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 May 2015
End Date 30 November 2015
Duration 7 months
Total Grant Value £116,238
Industrial Sectors
Region Scotland
Programme Competition Call: 1405_CRD_ENE_GEN_ENCATESR1 - Not Available. Activity Energy Catalyst Rnd 1 Early Stage
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SMAR Azure Limited (63.391%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Garrad Hassan and Partners Ltd (29.006%)
Project Contact , Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (7.603%)
Web Site
Abstract The project explores the potential to lower the cost and improve the efficiency of wind power generation through actively controlled, textile-covered blades. These blades have the potential to push the boundaries of current technology, improving the design, manufacture, assembly and maintenance of the blades. Enginered Textile blades with load active control can make a major contribution to solving the UK's energy trilemma. By reducing the cost of production, transportation and installation of the blades, and increasing the blade efficiency it will help to drive the further deployment of on- and offshore wind turbines. The project team - consisting of SMAR Azure Ltd, DNV-GL and ORE Catapult - has the required technical skills and engineering tools, commercial expertise and management experience to ensure that the project is delivered successfully.The project explores the potential to lower the cost and improve the efficiency of wind power generation through actively controlled, textile-covered blades. These blades have the potential to push the boundaries of current technology, improving the design, manufacture, assembly and maintenance of the blades. Enginered Textile blades with load active control can make a major contribution to solving the UK's energy trilemma. By reducing the cost of production, transportation and installation of the blades, and increasing the blade efficiency it will help to drive the further deployment of on- and offshore wind turbines. The project team - consisting of SMAR Azure Ltd, DNV-GL and ORE Catapult - has the required technical skills and engineering tools, commercial expertise and management experience to ensure that the project is delivered successfully.The project explores the potential to lower the cost and improve the efficiency of wind power generation through actively controlled, textile-covered blades. These blades have the potential to push the boundaries of current technology, improving the design, manufacture, assembly and maintenance of the blades. Enginered Textile blades with load active control can make a major contribution to solving the UK's energy trilemma. By reducing the cost of production, transportation and installation of the blades, and increasing the blade efficiency it will help to drive the further deployment of on- and offshore wind turbines. The project team - consisting of SMAR Azure Ltd, DNV-GL and ORE Catapult - has the required technical skills and engineering tools, commercial expertise and management experience to ensure that the project is delivered successfully.

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Added to Database 11/08/15