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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number ENA_10036957
Title Gas System of the Future Digital Twin
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Computer Science and Informatics) 50%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 50%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
SGN - Southern England
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 August 2022
End Date 01 February 2023
Duration 6 months
Total Grant Value £847,123
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region South East
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SGN - Southern England (99.998%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Gas Transmission (0.001%)
Project Contact , National Grid ESO (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , National Grid plc (0.000%)
Project Contact , SGN (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/ENA_10036957
Abstract Our proposed project unifies two SIF Discovery Phase projects (hydrogen production and gas network digital twins). The Alpha Phase aims to explore further the commercial, societal and operational benefits that could be derived from the deployment of a unified gas system of the future digital twin within a distribution network.Balancing supply and demand in an ecosystem of connected digital twins is fundamental to the future of the gas industry in the UK as we know it. Managing associated risk -- be it operational, technical or financial -- and security of supply given recent geopolitics is key as different supply chain segments are exposed to risk from partners in this chain. Relationships between the production and transportation of gas along with industrial and domestic demand need to be understood.Aligned to the specific aims of the data and digitalisation challenge theme; our project will support the management of that variation of inputs to the gas network -- specifically hydrogen and biomethane -- as it becomes increasingly distributed and decentralised. It will support connectivity to renewables and other utilities; it will drive the transformation of network planning in the future; and it will be the trigger for the right-skilling of the future energy network workforce.We believe it is important to capture hearts and minds and bring energy network teams along the digital twin journey -- any transfer of decision-making to a data-driven application depends on the criticality of the task and the level of trust users will have in our application. We have built a package of work to focus on this with key users from the GT, GD, gas production, and electricity as stakeholders on our project.From a purely digital twin perspective, we believe that the highest value can be achieved through automation over time - but with higher complexity comes higher risk. We will focus on measurable business outcomes, ensuring that business needs rather than technology are driving the activities and that the networks start to focus on good quality data and information assets. That is a significant undertaking not to be underestimated. Our project has specific work package for this.Whilst we know what many of the Net-Zero system architecture components could be - and we understand many of the deployment and integration challenges - there are still many unknowns. We aim to design this proposed ecosystem of connected digital twins with flexibility and extendibility at its heart. We believe that demonstrating the concept of connected digital twins is hugely exciting; aligned to the strategic vision of Ofgem and the networks; and completely aligned with the Gemini principles shared by the National Digital Twin programme. Ultimately, we expect our project outcomes to save money and reduce cost -- for example, by managing provision of electricity to the grid or to produce hydrogen, depending on price or capacity. Or when to carry out critical maintenance.We are delighted that our partners are willing to be part of our project and all will play a more significant role in our concept. DNV will play a key role by leveraging further expertise from their pool of hydrogen and gas network experts along with their gas modelling, data transformation and analytics teams; IBM will lead the architectural and digital platform work packages, ensuring systems of record such as maintenance systems are critical components in a future digital twin landscape; and AWS will leadthe build environment and deployment of AWS services for the Alpha prototype. In addition, both NGGT and NGESO bring critical insights from other projects; both will play a key role in governance work package.

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Added to Database 14/10/22