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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGGT0051
Title Wireless Gas Detection Assessment
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Chemistry) 25%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 25%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 25%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid Gas Transmission
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 May 2014
End Date 01 November 2017
Duration 42 months
Total Grant Value £110,000
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Gas Transmission (100.000%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_NGGT0051
Objectives The aim of this innovation assessment project is to determine whether wireless gas detection can be used in Gas Transmission compressor cabs. Identify and test the most suitable wireless gas detector currently on the market to determine the system business readiness for use in Gas Transmission compressor cabs.
Abstract Design and installation of traditional gas detection systems in compressor cabs can be expensive and difficult due to the routing and installation of cabling and junction boxes to reach the required gas detector locations. Once installed it is difficult and can be expensive to optimise the location of or add additional gas detectors to the system due to the restrictions of the cabling and junction boxes and the available locations for safe access. To determine whether wireless gas detection can provide a secure, long term and reliable solution in UK Gas Transmission compressor cabs, the project scope will be delivered in 3 phases. Phase 1: Market/Tech Review Market Research & Technical Note - Review the current market and liaise with detector manufacturers and suppliers to determine the best wireless gas detector commercially available at present that has potential to provide a solution to the problems identified. Detector Challenge and Review Workshop & Technical Note - A workshop will challenge and review the potential use of the selected wireless gas detector. This workshop will incorporate elements of a HAZID and CHAZOP. The workshop will determine potential issues associated with installing and operating the wireless gas detection system. Phase 2: Short term testing One day system tests will be conducted at three different compressor stations. The primary purpose is to assess the system connectivity (signal strength) in different configurations through different cab building types. The final scope of the one day testing will be agreed following output of the workshop. A report incorporating the market research, detector challenge and review workshop and system testing technical notes and an assessment of wireless security. Stage gate review of results and decision whether to move on to Phase 3 (long term trial). Phase 3: Long term trial A scope of works detailing the required installation for the long term trial, test site and proposed plan. Installation of the wireless gas detection system on one site for a two year period. System Testing and performance monitoring over the two year trial period. Technical Report detailing the results of the long term trial implementation and a conclusion as to whether wireless gas detection can be used in UK Gas Transmission compressor cabsNote : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 17/12/18