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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number EP/W020807/1
Title SOURCE: Improved insitu Stiffness measurements for Offshore foundation design considering Uncertainty, Repeatability and Common sources of Error
Status Started
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources(Wind Energy) 100%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Civil Engineering) 80%;
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) 20%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Dr R Buckley

College of Science and Engineering
University of Glasgow
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 01 November 2022
End Date 31 May 2025
Duration 31 months
Total Grant Value £414,092
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region Scotland
Programme NC : Engineering
Investigators Principal Investigator Dr R Buckley , College of Science and Engineering, University of Glasgow (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Fugro GeoServices Ltd (0.000%)
Project Contact , Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (0.000%)
Project Contact , Det Norske Veritas BV (DNV), Norway (0.000%)
Project Contact , Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd (0.000%)
Project Contact , RSK Environmental Ltd (0.000%)
Project Contact , Cambridge Institute (0.000%)
Project Contact , In Situ Site Investigation (0.000%)
Project Contact , Robertson Geologging Ltd (0.000%)
Web Site
Abstract The UK is the world leader in offshore wind energy; almost 40% of global capacity is installed in UK waters. A new ambitious target of 40GW of wind power by 2030 aims to produce sufficient offshore wind capacity to power every home, helping to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Offshore wind turbine (OWT) foundations, which are typically steel monopiles, contribute approximately 25% to a windfarm's capital cost. The size of OWTs is increasing rapidly and continued optimisation of foundation design is paramount. Recent research has led to significant advances through theoretical developments combined with high-quality field-testing. Despite recent advances, there remains significant uncertainty in the measurement and interpretation of key soil deformation parameters that underpin new and existing design approaches. The central aim of SOURCE is to use rigorous measurement and interpretation in the field and laboratory to quantify and reduce material parameter uncertainty and minimise the impact on the predictive capability of OWT foundation design methods. Improved site characterisation will contribute to increased security in design, lowering capital costs, subsidies and carbon emissions and meeting the UK's ambitious new energy targets

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Added to Database 21/12/22