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Projects: Summary of Projects by Region
Projects in Region Scotland involving University of Strathclyde : EP/G01244X/1
Reference Number EP/G01244X/1
Title SUPERGEN: Delivery of Sustainable Hydrogen
Status Completed
Energy Categories Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Hydrogen production) 100%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Chemistry) 50%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Chemical Engineering) 25%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Professor IS (Ian ) Metcalfe
No email address given
School of Chemical Engineering & Advanced Materials
Newcastle University
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 01 October 2008
End Date 31 March 2013
Duration 54 months
Total Grant Value £4,943,135
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region North East
Programme Energy : Energy
Investigators Principal Investigator Professor IS (Ian ) Metcalfe , School of Chemical Engineering & Advanced Materials, Newcastle University (99.987%)
  Other Investigator Professor SCE Tsang , Oxford Chemistry, University of Oxford (0.001%)
Professor D G Infield , Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde (0.001%)
Dr S (Shanwen ) Tao , Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde (0.001%)
Professor M (Malcolm ) Eames , Architecture, Cardiff University (0.001%)
Dr V Dupont , Energy Resources Research Unit, University of Leeds (0.001%)
Dr BAJ Glowacki , Superconductivity (IRC), University of Cambridge (0.001%)
Professor J Irvine , Chemistry, University of St Andrews (0.001%)
Prof D (David ) Book , Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham (0.001%)
Dr A (Andrew ) Cruden , Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton (0.001%)
Professor N McKeown , Chemistry, Cardiff University (0.001%)
Professor JC Whitehead , Chemistry, University of Manchester (0.001%)
Dr K Li , Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London (0.001%)
Professor M Wills , Chemistry, University of Warwick (0.001%)
  Recognised Researcher Mr MSM Contestabile , Imperial College London (0.000%)
Web Site
Abstract We seek to deliver new technologies capable of clean and cost-effective conversion of low-carbon electricity and various carbon sources, including biomass and waste, into hydrogen. We have set up a consortium to address this target involving 14 University research groups. This will achieve significant critical mass and provide a proactive consortium, well linked to a range of industrial actors, to address these major long term problems. The main strands of the project relate to advanced catalytic and membrane production routes for conversion of carbonaceous sources and the integration of such processes, advanced electrochemical production and conversion of hydrogen and socio-technical analysis and appraisal of these technologies. The project will be carefully managed to encourage networking, exchange of people and ideas, training of personnel, knowledge transfer activities, outreach and dissemination.WP1: Production of hydrogen from carbonaceous sourcesThe purpose of this WP isto investigate and optimise the production of high purity hydrogen from hydrocarbon and oxygenated-hydrocarbon sources. We will develop innovative processes for both low and high temperature catalytic hydrogen production processes. We focus on low temperature reforming of oxygenated hydrocarbons because of favourable thermodynamics. These systems can be employed with or without hydrogen permselective membranes for enhancing hydrogen purity. For high temperature reforming of hydrocarbons we focus on membrane developments and thermochemical cycles (chemical looping) to separate hydrogen from the reaction mixture.WP2: Sustainable hydrogen from electronsThe purpose of this WP is to develop more cost effective and efficient technologies to produce hydrogen from sustainably produced electricity, especially for distributed, smaller scale systems. Electrolyser concepts will be tested and modelled novel system concepts investigated. High temperature electrolysis, which offers enhanced electrical efficiency, will be developed and the possibility of combining this with an innovative liquefaction process investigated. Electrochemical routes to alternative hydrogen containing vectors will be explored.WP3: Socio-technical analysis and appraisal of hydrogen productionThe purpose of this interdisciplinary WP will be to bring together the engineering and socio-economic dimensions of the consortium's research, benchmarking current and future technological performance, and undertaking rigorous interdisciplinary analysis and appraisal of the potential for the novel catalytic and electrolytic hydrogen production, and post production conversion processes, being developed by the consortium to contribute to the large-scale delivery of sustainable hydrogen.WP4: Management, knowledge transfer, dissemination and networkingThe consortium will strongly promote industrial engagement and dissemination in order to maximise knowledge transfer and technology uptake in this key environmental and commercial topic. We will provide a rounded training in hydrogen production and energy systems to our 20 researchers through exchanges, workshops and training schools. Part of this WP will also analyse the knowledge transfer process looking at innovation systems and socio-technical transitions in relation to delivering sustainable hydrogen

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Added to Database 22/08/08