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Projects: Summary of Projects by Region
Projects in Region Scotland involving University of Edinburgh : EP/Y028848/1
Reference Number EP/Y028848/1
Title PRIME: Unresolved fluid mechanics at liquid/gas interfaces for PRIMary brEakup of atomizing sprays
Status Started
Energy Categories Not Energy Related 95%;
Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Oil and gas combustion) 5%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 50%;
Equipment 50%;
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Chemistry) 40%;
PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Computer Science and Informatics) 10%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Dr B Peterson
No email address given
Sch of Engineering and Electronics
University of Edinburgh
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 01 September 2023
End Date 31 August 2028
Duration 60 months
Total Grant Value £1,693,853
Industrial Sectors
Region Scotland
Programme Frontier Grants - Consolidator
Investigators Principal Investigator Dr B Peterson , Sch of Engineering and Electronics, University of Edinburgh (100.000%)
Web Site
Abstract Efficient spray atomization plays a critical role within society, ranging from effective medical treatment to cleaner propulsion systems. Primary breakup - the process of disintegrating a liquid stream into large (primary) drops - is the consequential first step of atomization, but is also the least understood for atomizing sprays. This long-standing problem exists due to a lack of experimental tools that can measure the fundamental fluid dynamics that govern the primary breakup processes at liquid-gas interfaces (LGI) at the core of the spray. PRIME is uniquely designed to address this problem. We have developed a unique set of advanced diagnostic tools that provide the exclusive capability to measure fluid velocity and acceleration at LGIs of the liquid jet and primary drops. These tools are a unique combination of pulse-burst Ballistic Imaging combined with wavelet-based Optical Flow (wOF). In PRIME, we establish our proof-of-concept tools, and develop wOF for original applications with two-photon laser induced fluorescence, to provide ground-breaking measurements that help resolve unanswered questions of primary breakup. Two spray facilities will be developed in PRIME, which provide a unique platform to apply our diagnostics for new fundamental knowledge for a range of sprays from basic to technically-relevant complex sprays. These facilities will include custom-built transparent nozzles to perform imaging measurements inside the spray nozzle. Advanced diagnostics will be combined with a suite of established imaging diagnostics (shadowgraphy, schlieren, micro-PIV) to correlate the primary breakup flow dynamics with its corresponding breakup genesis occurring inside the spray nozzle. PRIME will provide substantial breakthroughs in knowledge, and will generate a comprehensive spray database designed for the development and validation of computational models for the wider spray community. As such, PRIME is intended for long term success

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Added to Database 29/11/23