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Projects: Summary of Projects by Region
Projects in Region Scotland involving Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult : InnUK/102219/01
Reference Number InnUK/102219/01
Title The capability of the WITT Wave Energy Convertor to generate megawatts of offshore power at a competitive LCOE
Status Completed
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources(Ocean Energy) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 25%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 50%;
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) 25%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
MCT Reman Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 June 2015
End Date 31 August 2016
Duration 15 months
Total Grant Value £137,184
Industrial Sectors
Region South West
Programme Competition Call: 1405_CRD_ENE_GEN_ENCATESR1 - Not Available. Activity Energy Catalyst Rnd 1 Early Stage
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , MCT Reman Limited (54.000%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Mojo Maritime Limited (21.000%)
Project Contact , Garrad Hassan and Partners Ltd (12.000%)
Project Contact , Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (13.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , University of Bristol (0.000%)
Project Contact , University of Southampton (0.000%)
Web Site
Abstract Converting sea wave motion into electrical energy is challenging, in part due to the relatively low speeds and irregular movements of ocean waves. WITT Ltd (WL) has devised a scalable technological innovation in energy generation called the WITT that has the capability to harness wave energy. The innovation concerns a patented transmission system that converts mechanical motion in the full six degrees into a single unidirectional rotation used to drive an efficient generator for the production of electricity. No other transmission is capable of collecting all of this chaotic motion and turning it into useable power. Sealed unit operation is potentially maintenance free and suitable for marine environments. It can also be built from tried and tested industry components. For this reason the WITT potentially provides a compelling marine energy harvesting device. This feasibility project will assess the capability and potential of the WITT to be deployed offshore as a wave energy converter to generate power compared to competitive wave energy converter technologies. It will determine whether it does indeed potentially offer a standout solution capable of UK wide scale deployment.Converting sea wave motion into electrical energy is challenging, in part due to the relatively low speeds and irregular movements of ocean waves. WITT Ltd (WL) has devised a scalable technological innovation in energy generation called the WITT that has the capability to harness wave energy. The innovation concerns a patented transmission system that converts mechanical motion in the full six degrees into a single unidirectional rotation used to drive an efficient generator for the production of electricity. No other transmission is capable of collecting all of this chaotic motion and turning it into useable power. Sealed unit operation is potentially maintenance free and suitable for marine environments. It can also be built from tried and tested industry components. For this reason the WITT potentially provides a compelling marine energy harvesting device. This feasibility project will assess the capability and potential of the WITT to be deployed offshore as a wave energy converter to generate power compared to competitive wave energy converter technologies. It will determine whether it does indeed potentially offer a standout solution capable of UK wide scale deployment.Converting sea wave motion into electrical energy is challenging, in part due to the relatively low speeds and irregular movements of ocean waves. WITT Ltd (WL) has devised a scalable technological innovation in energy generation called the WITT that has the capability to harness wave energy. The innovation concerns a patented transmission system that converts mechanical motion in the full six degrees into a single unidirectional rotation used to drive an efficient generator for the production of electricity. No other transmission is capable of collecting all of this chaotic motion and turning it into useable power. Sealed unit operation is potentially maintenance free and suitable for marine environments. It can also be built from tried and tested industry components. For this reason the WITT potentially provides a compelling marine energy harvesting device. This feasibility project will assess the capability and potential of the WITT to be deployed offshore as a wave energy converter to generate power compared to competitive wave energy converter technologies. It will determine whether it does indeed potentially offer a standout solution capable of UK wide scale deployment.Converting sea wave motion into electrical energy is challenging, in part due to the relatively low speeds and irregular movements of ocean waves. WITT Ltd (WL) has devised a scalable technological innovation in energy generation called the WITT that has the capability to harness wave energy. The innovation concerns a patented transmission system that converts mechanical motion in the full six degrees into a single unidirectional rotation used to drive an efficient generator for the production of electricity. No other transmission is capable of collecting all of this chaotic motion and turning it into useable power. Sealed unit operation is potentially maintenance free and suitable for marine environments. It can also be built from tried and tested industry components. For this reason the WITT potentially provides a compelling marine energy harvesting device. This feasibility project will assess the capability and potential of the WITT to be deployed offshore as a wave energy converter to generate power compared to competitive wave energy converter technologies. It will determine whether it does indeed potentially offer a standout solution capable of UK wide scale deployment.Converting sea wave motion into electrical energy is challenging, in part due to the relatively low speeds and irregular movements of ocean waves. WITT Ltd (WL) has devised a scalable technological innovation in energy generation called the WITT that has the capability to harness wave energy. The innovation concerns a patented transmission system that converts mechanical motion in the full six degrees into a single unidirectional rotation used to drive an efficient generator for the production of electricity. No other transmission is capable of collecting all of this chaotic motion and turning it into useable power. Sealed unit operation is potentially maintenance free and suitable for marine environments. It can also be built from tried and tested industry components. For this reason the WITT potentially provides a compelling marine energy harvesting device. This feasibility project will assess the capability and potential of the WITT to be deployed offshore as a wave energy converter to generate power compared to competitive wave energy converter technologies. It will determine whether it does indeed potentially offer a standout solution capable of UK wide scale deployment.Converting sea wave motion into electrical energy is challenging, in part due to the relatively low speeds and irregular movements of ocean waves. WITT Ltd (WL) has devised a scalable technological innovation in energy generation called the WITT that has the capability to harness wave energy. The innovation concerns a patented transmission system that converts mechanical motion in the full six degrees into a single unidirectional rotation used to drive an efficient generator for the production of electricity. No other transmission is capable of collecting all of this chaotic motion and turning it into useable power. Sealed unit operation is potentially maintenance free and suitable for marine environments. It can also be built from tried and tested industry components. For this reason the WITT potentially provides a compelling marine energy harvesting device. This feasibility project will assess the capability and potential of the WITT to be deployed offshore as a wave energy converter to generate power compared to competitive wave energy converter technologies. It will determine whether it does indeed potentially offer a standout solution capable of UK wide scale deployment.

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Added to Database 04/12/15