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Projects: Summary of Projects by Region
Projects in Region East of England involving Techna International Limited : InnUK/102233/01
Reference Number InnUK/102233/01
Title SYNAPS (Synchronous Analysis and Protection System)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Computer Science and Informatics) 50%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 50%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Powerline Technologies Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 November 2015
End Date 31 October 2017
Duration 24 months
Total Grant Value £875,197
Industrial Sectors
Region South West
Programme Competition Call: 1405_CRD_ENE_GEN_ENCATMSR1 - Energy Catalyst - Mid Stage - Round 1. Activity Energy Catalyst Rnd 1 Mid Stage
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Powerline Technologies Limited (31.621%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Techna International Limited (42.192%)
Project Contact , Akya Limited (26.187%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Chemical Engineering, University of Bath (0.000%)
Project Contact , University College London (0.000%)
Web Site
Abstract SYNAPS aims to develop a networked Smartgrid distribution automation platform for Low Voltage Networks (LVNs). LVNs are the final, essential link from the grid to the customer, yet they are currently built with outdated technology and managed by expensive, labour intensive processes. Underground LVN faults account for 80% of DNO LV costs and 50% of customer minutes lost. SYNAPS will provide real-time visibility of LVN operational and maintenance status, together with advanced protection and network reconfiguration. This will be accomplished by integrating modern IC technology, state-of-the art machine learning algorithms together with advanced power semiconductors and switching technology. It will also include development of an advanced semiconductor circuit breaker and fault detection algorithms. These developments are essential to support consumer demand for reliable networks, better integration of renewables and the flexibility to accommodate electric vehicles.SYNAPS aims to develop a networked Smartgrid distribution automation platform for Low Voltage Networks (LVNs). LVNs are the final, essential link from the grid to the customer, yet they are currently built with outdated technology and managed by expensive, labour intensive processes. Underground LVN faults account for 80% of DNO LV costs and 50% of customer minutes lost. SYNAPS will provide real-time visibility of LVN operational and maintenance status, together with advanced protection and network reconfiguration. This will be accomplished by integrating modern IC technology, state-of-the art machine learning algorithms together with advanced power semiconductors and switching technology. It will also include development of an advanced semiconductor circuit breaker and fault detection algorithms. These developments are essential to support consumer demand for reliable networks, better integration of renewables and the flexibility to accommodate electric vehicles.SYNAPS aims to develop a networked Smartgrid distribution automation platform for Low Voltage Networks (LVNs). LVNs are the final, essential link from the grid to the customer, yet they are currently built with outdated technology and managed by expensive, labour intensive processes. Underground LVN faults account for 80% of DNO LV costs and 50% of customer minutes lost. SYNAPS will provide real-time visibility of LVN operational and maintenance status, together with advanced protection and network reconfiguration. This will be accomplished by integrating modern IC technology, state-of-the art machine learning algorithms together with advanced power semiconductors and switching technology. It will also include development of an advanced semiconductor circuit breaker and fault detection algorithms. These developments are essential to support consumer demand for reliable networks, better integration of renewables and the flexibility to accommodate electric vehicles.SYNAPS aims to develop a networked Smartgrid distribution automation platform for Low Voltage Networks (LVNs). LVNs are the final, essential link from the grid to the customer, yet they are currently built with outdated technology and managed by expensive, labour intensive processes. Underground LVN faults account for 80% of DNO LV costs and 50% of customer minutes lost. SYNAPS will provide real-time visibility of LVN operational and maintenance status, together with advanced protection and network reconfiguration. This will be accomplished by integrating modern IC technology, state-of-the art machine learning algorithms together with advanced power semiconductors and switching technology. It will also include development of an advanced semiconductor circuit breaker and fault detection algorithms. These developments are essential to support consumer demand for reliable networks, better integration of renewables and the flexibility to accommodate electric vehicles.SYNAPS aims to develop a networked Smartgrid distribution automation platform for Low Voltage Networks (LVNs). LVNs are the final, essential link from the grid to the customer, yet they are currently built with outdated technology and managed by expensive, labour intensive processes. Underground LVN faults account for 80% of DNO LV costs and 50% of customer minutes lost. SYNAPS will provide real-time visibility of LVN operational and maintenance status, together with advanced protection and network reconfiguration. This will be accomplished by integrating modern IC technology, state-of-the art machine learning algorithms together with advanced power semiconductors and switching technology. It will also include development of an advanced semiconductor circuit breaker and fault detection algorithms. These developments are essential to support consumer demand for reliable networks, better integration of renewables and the flexibility to accommodate electric vehicles.

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Added to Database 09/02/18