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Projects: Summary of Projects by Region
Projects in Region Scotland involving University of Edinburgh : NE/C513169/1
Reference Number NE/C513169/1
Title Research Programme of the UK Energy Research Centre.
Status Completed
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources(Solar Energy) 5%;
Renewable Energy Sources(Ocean Energy) 10%;
Renewable Energy Sources(Bio-Energy) 5%;
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Fuel Cells) 20%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 10%;
Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Environmental, social and economic impacts) 20%;
Energy Efficiency(Residential and commercial) 20%;
Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Other oil and gas) 10%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields SOCIAL SCIENCES (Economics and Econometrics) 20%;
PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Metallurgy and Materials) 15%;
PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Computer Science and Informatics) 5%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 50%;
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) 10%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 50%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Environmental dimensions) 15%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Policy and regulation) 10%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Technology acceptance) 5%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Other sociological economical and environmental impact of energy) 20%;
Principal Investigator Professor J (Jim ) Skea
No email address given
Centre for Environmental Policy
Imperial College London
Award Type TSEC
Funding Source NERC
Start Date 01 October 2004
End Date 30 April 2009
Duration 55 months
Total Grant Value £11,954,596
Industrial Sectors
Region London
Programme Towards A Sustainable Energy Economy
Investigators Principal Investigator Professor J (Jim ) Skea , Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London (99.988%)
  Other Investigator Dr B Boardman , Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford (0.001%)
Dr JA (Jim ) Halliday , Energy Research Unit, STFC (Science & Technology Facilities Council) (0.001%)
Professor S (Simon ) Guy , Environment and Development, University of Manchester (0.001%)
Professor PJG (Peter ) Pearson , Architecture, Cardiff University (0.001%)
Professor R (Robin ) Wallace , Energy Systems, University of Edinburgh (0.001%)
Professor JA (John ) Kilner , Materials, Imperial College London (0.001%)
Professor N (Nick ) Jenkins , Engineering, Cardiff University (0.001%)
Professor D (David ) Begg , Robert Gordon University (0.001%)
Prof CH (Catherine ) Mitchell , Geography, University of Exeter (0.001%)
Professor G (Goran ) Strbac , Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London (0.001%)
Professor P (Paul ) Ekins , UCL Energy Institute, University College London (0.001%)
Dr DC (David ) Howard , CEH Lancaster, NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) (0.001%)
Web Site http://www.ukerc.ac.uk
Abstract The UK Energy Research Centre is the organisation that brings together all researchers working on energy problems in the UK. The Government wants to ensure that we reduce the environmental impacts of our energy system, reducing the rate of climate change for example. It also wants to make sure that our energy is reliable and affordable, while continuing to have competition between energy suppliers. Making this happen will involve cutting energy use, developing new cleaner sources of supply,for example from renewable sources such as wind, and making sure that there is investment in the electricity, gas and other networks that bring energy to consumers. A wide range of energy researchers must come together to address these challenges. These include engineers who need to develop and improvetechnologies and materials, social scientists and economists concerned with people's behaviour and how markets are regulated and policies formulated, and scientists who can assess energysupply capacity and impacts on the natural environment. One of the main tasks of UKERC is to bring these different people together to work side-by-side on complex problems which can't be addressed by taking a single approach. UKERC's research work covers the whole energy system, including the technological, social and environmental dimensions and interactions between them. The evidence arising from UKERC's work will be brought together to help the Government, and other bodies, developtheir energy policies. UKERC will help to transfer knowledge about new technologies and techniques to industry, working with companies and regional bodies. It will also take a close look at the pattern of research already being carried out to identify what new research is needed to fill gaps in knowledge and help bring technologies to market. UKERC engages with energy researchers around the world and provides facilities at Oxford University for UK and overseas researchers to work togetheron challenging energy problems. UKERC'S headquarters are based at Imperial College London.

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Added to Database 04/07/07