Projects: Summary of Projects by RegionProjects in Region Scotland involving SGN - Scotland : NIA2_SGN0007 |
Reference Number | NIA2_SGN0007 | |
Title | North East Scotland Pre-FEED | |
Status | Completed | |
Energy Categories | Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Hydrogen transport and distribution) 100%; | |
Research Types | Applied Research and Development 100% | |
Science and Technology Fields | ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100% | |
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation | Not Cross-cutting 100% | |
Principal Investigator |
Project Contact No email address given SGN - Scotland |
Award Type | Network Innovation Allowance | |
Funding Source | Ofgem | |
Start Date | 01 October 2021 | |
End Date | 31 December 2022 | |
Duration | ENA months | |
Total Grant Value | £1,018,810 | |
Industrial Sectors | Energy | |
Region | Scotland | |
Programme | Network Innovation Allowance | |
Investigators | Principal Investigator | Project Contact , SGN - Scotland (99.999%) |
Other Investigator | Project Contact , SGN - Southern England (0.001%) |
Industrial Collaborator | Project Contact , SGN (0.000%) |
Web Site | |
Objectives | The main objective as part of the Pre-FEED execution is to support application of funding in accordance with Ofgem RIIO-2 Re-opener Guidance and Application Requirements. The project will establish an accurate financial estimate for FEED execution costs and schedule. As part of the Pre-FEED, a techno-economic review will cover: Pipeline routing for construction Pigging facilities Spur pipeline assessment Selection of required tie in locations and configurations Location of Pressure Reduction Stations (PRS)A sensitivity analysis shall be included for the utilisation of the NTS feeders using new offtakes and LTS pipelines. We will also carry out analysis of the <7 bar network focusing on the sectorised conversion of regions surrounding Peterhead and Aberdeen. The analysis will highlight the next key areas to convert to 100% hydrogen, anticipated interventions identified from the H21 and H100 projects, and growth of the hydrogen system from the arterial hydrogen transmission route.The proposal will provide a clear basis for FEED execution, including a defined scope of work. It will allow the preparation and submission of consenting applications to commence and define accurate pipeline routing. A cost estimate for project execution and implementation schedule will be achieved through project completion. The scope covers a pre-FEED study for converting the Aberdeen gas networks. DNV will be investigating assets at 7 bar and below. The transmission assets are being covered by Wood Group. The project will also investigate the merits of an interim 20% hydrogen blend phase to facilitate a smoother ramp up of hydrogen production and to gain familiarity and stakeholder confidence in hydrogen as a fuel. Transmission Assets AnalysisPhase 1: Pre-FEEDThe main objective of the Phase 1 pre-FEED phase is to identify the most optimal route for SGN approval, which will be carried over to Phase 2 for further detailing. A Level 5 Cost Estimate and Level 2 programme for 3 routes, based on the output and ranking of the Optioneering exercise will be prepared and used for the techno-economical comparison to enable SGN to select and approve the preferred route option. A planning, consenting and environmental roadmap will be produced for the selected option to highlight the key milestones for the approvals process. Additional activities during the Phase 1 Pre-FEED include some of the following: Develop a Project ProgrammeA Level 2 project programme and road map will be developed for the project. This will include phasing and interfaces of the technical, procurement, construction, commissioning, environmental and safety activities.Basis of Design (BoD)A Basis of Design (BoD) will be developed that will set out the key assumptions which underpin the project design. It will include the project design assumptions, specification of any constraints including the site boundary. This will be a live document that will be updated at regular intervals through the design process.Phase 1 Pre-FEED EngineeringHydraulic study – steady stateNetwork analysis of demand vs supplyPFDsPipeline routing, system network basic design and initial layoutsPreliminary Material Selection ReviewRisk RegisterA comprehensive risk register will be built to ensure the project risks are identified early and tracked through to resolution.Planning, Consenting and Environmental Identify potential risks to the projects development by carrying out desk based assessments.A preliminary planning and consenting roadmap will be developed during Phase 1 to capture the strategy. This will be further developed in the Phase 2. The roadmap will be based on SGN consultation strategy, environmental and risk requirements.A workshop will be held to identify and assess construction, operation and maintenance safety requirements and impact on the main selected route options. Spatial Concept, GIS, Constraints and Cost Model DevelopmentUtilise GIS to collect any spatial and constraints data, and to identify potential route options for the pipeline. A common data standard will be created to ensure consistency in data collection. A high level input cost data structure will be developed and populated for the major elements of the pipeline system for use by the Optioneering and Class 5 Cost Estimate activities. Three routes will be costed in greater detail as part of the Class 5 Cost Estimate activities. Preliminary Pre-FEED ReportThe report should be in the following format:IntroductionDetailed project development and backgroundPipeline Routing Option(s)H2 AGI LocationsProject deliveryConclusionsRecommendationsPhase 2: Pre-FEEDKey documents from Phase 1 will be updated for use during the FEED phase, and further definition of the selected route will be prepared. A Level 4 Cost Estimate and Level 3 programme will be produced for the selected route, and a Preliminary Planning, Consenting and Environmental Plan will be prepared to outline the key requirements and activities for the approvals process. The FEED scope of work and technical deliverables will be prepared to a suitable level of detail to enable qualified engineering contractors to price for FEED. The main scope is summarised below: Phase 1 Key Document updatesKey Phase 1 documents will be reviewed and updated to reflect the outputs from the Phase 1 Pre-FEED stage.Roadmaps will be updated based on the outputs of the Phase 1 risk assessment and gap analysis and this will determine the extent of the Phase 2 scope.Basis of Design (BoD) will be updated based on any relevant findings from Phase 1. Risk Register will be updated at the end of Phase 2 phase based on additional assessments undertaken of technical, safety, environmental and commercial workstreams.Pipeline Route maps and H2 AGI layouts will be refined as further information becomes available.The Overall Project Programme will be further detailed as a Level 3 schedule.Further Refine the Cost ModelThe overall structure for CAPEX/OPEX cost modelling developed during Phase 1 will be further refined. It will be populated with costs based on the selected route and facilities to produce a Class 4 Cost Estimate. It will also consider the future FEED and procurement activities.System Network DesignThe selected system design will be reviewed and detailed to the required level of detail to be included in SGNs Invitation to Tender (ITT) for FEED. The main studies listed below will be developed:Prepare preliminary philosophiesPipeline Design philosophy including CP designTesting and commissioning PhilosophyInspection Maintenance and Repair PhilosophyFlow Assurance/ProcessFinalise the hydraulics study as required and prepare the blowdown studyFinalise system PFDsPrepare preliminary P&IDs of major AGIsEquipmentAssess a range of technology concept solutions with consideration to the availability of Commercial off the Shelf technology (COTS).AGIsAssess the utility load demands for the AGIsIdentify the spatial requirements for the AGIs andadvise on the functional/operational requirements at the boundary.DrawingsRoute MapAGIs layoutsTypical Crossing drawingsTie-in DrawingsP&IDsPipeline ReportsRouting StudyCrossing Report and ScheduleMechanical DesignMaterial Selection Topographical and geotechnical Survey ScopeFitness for Purpose Assessment of Existing LTS PipelinesPreliminary Planning, Consenting and Environmental PlanInformal discussions with key stakeholders such as regulatory bodies, local municipalities, national agencies or other targeted consultations as required will be initiated to better understand the requirements and risks to successful approvals. Landowners will not be approached at this stage. The planning and consultation strategy and roadmap will be updated based on the refined pre-FEED and any additional assessments or activities undertaken, and a preliminary plan will be developed. Technical HSE/WorkshopsCarry out HAZID/ENVID/Preliminary HAZOP, Risk, Routing & Constructability workshop(s) to consider:Excursions outside normal operating parametersAll phases from construction, O&M to decommissioningKey aspects include review of processes where loss of containment may occur in the distribution of hydrogenIdentify failure modes that could lead to loss of containmentAssess risks of the likelihood of failure mode occurring and the severity if failure mode occursDetermine controls including adapting the design to remove hazard and designing in safety featuresIdentify consequences of loss of containment and mitigation measures to detect and deal with a loss of containmentIdentify safety critical assets, controls and mitigationsWood will review the requirements of the Safety Case and prepare a document outlining the Safety Case considerations to be further addressed during FEED.Construction, Logistics and Temporary Facilities StudyReview the constructability, logistics and testing of the pipeline and AGIs and hold a constructability workshop with SGN to present the results of the study. The temporary facilities requirements shall be assessed and locations of the construction compounds and laydown areas will be identified. Survey Scope of Work Prepare a scope of work for the topographical survey, geotechnical investigation, soil resistivity and underground detection survey activities for key areas/major crossing locations. Obtain pricing from survey contractors and perform a technical bid evaluation of the received quotations. 2. Feeders Sensitivity Analysis A sensitivity analysis shall be included for the utilisation of the NTS feeders using new offtakes and LTS pipelines. Flow Assurance: Sensitivities to include Feeders 10 and 13 for both steady state and packing/unpackingFlow Assurance: Fluid composition review and characterisation updateRouting: Route to/from Feeders 13/10Pipeline: Tie-in design/drawings to Feeders 13/10 The following deliverables shall be updated to consider this sensitivity;Fluid characterisation report (previously included in the steady state report). The steady state and the packing/unpacking technical notes will include the Feeder 13/10 sensitivities.Additional Feeders 13/10 tie-in drawingsMost of the additional routing work for Feeders 13/10 will be included in the Routing Report. 3. Below 7 bar analysisPhase 1 This will establish and agree the way of working, lines of communication, the methodology and the boundaries of the study. The output will be a short document summarising what has been agreed.An overall philosophy for the conversion including timescales and the time that customers could be without gas. The workforce availability and time that consumers could be without gas will enable the size and hence number of conversion sectors to be evaluated - this will be critical to price certainty for the FEED.Definition of the factors that affect the selection of the statistically representative area, including reference to other hydrogen studies to determine issues of concern i.e. pipe materials, age of properties, MOBs, range of I&C premises.The scope and timings of the hydrogen feed configurations to achieve both hydrogen blend and hydrogen conversionHigh level network conversion strategy based on network and hydrogen feed configuration (intention network schematic)Critical factors which will lead to a successful FEED study. I.e. from the above details the sensitivities, FEED Philosophy, scope, work methodology, design and engineering, design review, HAZOP, project plan, Front End Design Package and Engineering, Procurement Construction processes and documents.Phase 2Phase 2 will proceed once DNV, SGN and Wood Group agree on all the parameters that could impact on cost certainty for the FEED study with a focus on operations downstream of the TRS.A high-level study of the whole Aberdeen network to understand current natural gas and future hydrogen demands and supplies (network entry points).The output from this section will cover supply / demand matching requirements over the duration of the conversion project (build up year on year and variation over the year).Establish how many weeks in the year it is feasible to undertake consumer conversion activities – for example, previous studies (such as H21) have recommended 26 weeks centred on the summer period.Analysis of typical weather patterns and demand in Aberdeen using data from previous years to confirm whether the 26-week period needs to be shortened or whether it can be lengthened.A study to determine a statistically representative area of Aberdeen that will be the focus of a detailed study for the pre-FEED. The results from the small representative area will be multiplied up to deliver accurate costs for FEED for the entire conversion area. The representative area will consist of 10 sectors (number of domestic / non-domestic consumers to be determined in Phase 1) and will include a section of IP/MP pipelines.An investigation into the CAPEX/REPEX programme and the impact on the conversion of Aberdeen to hydrogen. This will include cast iron mains still in operations, stub ends, steel pipelines, service replacement and vulnerable locations (large diameter city centre mains). This study will influence the timings and sequencing ordering of both conversion and CAPEX/REPEX activities including the requirements for reinforcement.Risk Assessment appropriate to the pre-FEED stage of the project, following the IGEM/G/7 approach. This would include Identification of key knowledge gaps which will need to be addressed to support FEED stage QRA (for example MOBs) and identify the methodology to be used for the FEED QRAA study of the options for new hydrogen infrastructure in Aberdeen including new hydrogen LTS pipelines linking the Dolphyn Project, other green hydrogen supplies and the blue hydrogen supplies from St Fergus and an additional PRS. The additional PRS could be useful to support the Aberdeen City 7 bar network and future conversion of other areas such as Peterculter, Maryculter and Westhill.A high-level study and narrative on whether an interim 20% hydrogen blend step prior to full hydrogen conversion could facilitate decarbonisation and reduce the costs of conversion in AberdeenThe impact of loss of diurnal storage in the existing 7 bar system due to the lower energy density of hydrogen. We would assess whether the new 7 bar hydrogen LTS would provide sufficient additional diurnal storage if there is a shortfall using the repurposed LTS pipelines Phase 3 Phase 3 will detail the contents and scope of the FEED study based on the findings of Phases 1 and 2. This will involve close collaboration and iteration with the upstream study including the siting of the TRS sites and the entry points of hydrogenNetwork modelling on the statistically representative area to develop a sector conversion plan that can be multiplied up for the full Aberdeen networkThe output from this study will give a sector-by-sector conversion plan, with sector specific build up drawings including valves, purge points, reinforcement, etc enabling a sector cost estimates to be developed that can be multiplied up for the full network.Definition of each stage of the FEED study and develop a price against each component The overall price for Aberdeen will be based on the findings of the statistically representative area. There will be some elements that will be common to the whole of Aberdeen such as stakeholder engagement, the operating philosophy and demonstrating safety during and post conversion.We will also discuss the merits or otherwise of including blending up to 20% hydrogen as a precursor to full conversion of Aberdeen areaPhase 4 Phase 4 will include all reporting of the outputs and outcomes.We will combine the FEED prices prepared by Wood Group for the high-pressure section of the network with the prices for the <7 bar system. The FEED price will be generated using standard pricing methods that have previously been acceptable to OfgemA high-level price (±50%) will be estimated for the delivery phase of Aberdeen conversion using an economic model previously developed for similar projects The outputs of the study are to provide Pre-FEED analysis to support the application of funding for Net Zero Pre-Construction Reopener and net Zero Reopener mechanisms. Outputs will include several key stage gate reports, route drawings assessments of overall project execution along with an accurate estimate of costs to enable SGN to secure further funding for the FEED study. | |
Abstract | In order to stimulate growth in the hydrogen economy, SGN have developed the Aberdeen Vision and NE Industrial Clusters projects. These projects involve the installation of a dedicated hydrogen pipeline from St Fergus to Aberdeen. The outputs of this study are to produce a Pre-FEED analysis that will provide a clear basis for FEED execution. Illustrating preferred development of pipeline routeing, required pipeline facilities, ensuring its characteristics will support further expansion of the hydrogen system and detailed costs for FEED will be critical to ensure SGN secure funding under Ofgems Net Zero Pre-Construction and Net Zero Reopener funding mechanisms. | |
Data | No related datasets |
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Added to Database | 14/10/22 |