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Projects: Summary of Projects by Region
Projects in Region Scotland involving SGN - Scotland : NIA2_SGN0009
Reference Number NIA2_SGN0009
Title H100 Fife Phase 2 Village Pre-FEED
Status Completed
Energy Categories Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Hydrogen production) 25%;
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Hydrogen storage) 25%;
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Hydrogen transport and distribution) 25%;
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Other infrastructure and systems R&D) 25%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
SGN - Scotland
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 October 2021
End Date 30 April 2022
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £750,000
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region Scotland
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SGN - Scotland (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , SGN (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA2_SGN0009
Objectives The Pre-FEED stage will align to the following method:1.1. Trial project summaryTo determine the population and geographical coverage, number and range of gas customers and the strategies that could be employed for hydrogen conversion1.2. Plan, timetable and scope of work for subsequent stagesThe development of a plan for detailed design and a high-level plan and schedule for other stages of the trial1.3. Evidence and benefits plan The evidence/benefits plan will provide an assessment of the quality and comprehensiveness of evidence the trial project will provide. The plan will include the benefits, when the benefits will be realised and an explanation as to how the trial will enable these benefits1.4. Cost estimates, for the full lifetime and the full costs of the trial project  the expected costs and profile of expenditure over the full lifetime of the project 1.5. Organisation of responsibilities and liabilities a description of the proposed organisational, funding and legal arrangements with project delivery partners, and suppliers, describing their respective responsibilities and liabilities, including for procurement, ownership and delivery of assets and services and associated liabilities1.6. Safety Case Development Strategy The document will include the planned technical approach to risk assessment and mitigations, the main potential hazards, the plan for delivering the necessary risk assessment and a roadmap to meet the requirements of the relevant health and safety regulatory framework1.7. Regulatory plan a summary of regulatory frameworks potentially impacting on the design, feasibility or timeline of the project (eg. GDN licence conditions, planning regulations, environmental requirements) with a timetable of regulatory compliance activities and a description of any regulatory barriers1.8. A statement of the options identified for meeting requirements for hydrogen supply and resilience identification of reliable and resilient hydrogen supply solution(s) for the proposed trial site and evidence of support from any third parties who would be partners on the project and responsible for delivering hydrogen production 1.9. A statement of infrastructure requirements a description and an outline strategy and timeline for the design, procurement, construction and/or adaptation of infrastructure required1.10. Public engagement evidence evidence of engagement with local partners, local representative authorities and/or consumer groups, including stakeholders that support consumers with additional needs and consumers in vulnerable situations, and a summary of feedback received1.11. Public engagement strategy the plan for extending engagement and consultation with communities, local authorities, and representative organisations in the Detailed Design stage. 1.12. Proposals for a consumer strategy, ensuring fair treatment for all gas consumers in the trial localitya strategy for establishing all customers requirements, assessment of risks and planned approaches and outline of billing solutions1.13. Supply chain strategyassessment of the required range and volume of appliances, ancillary devices (eg meters), and any other necessary installations,1.14. Workforce capability, skills and training planidentification of the workforce and training requirements needed to successfully deliver the proposed trial, and a plan to show how these needs would be met (eg recruitment, certifications, competency assessments)1.15. Exit plan1.16.outline plans for two possible scenarios: 1. the continuation of the project; 2. ending the project within 1-3 years of trial commencement and the reinstatement of natural gas supplies2. Proposal for delivery of FEED study (Stage 2) proposal including a level 2 project plan to meet all identified Counterparty deliverables required for FEED (stage 2) with a high-level route map to scale H100 Fife Phase 1 to meet the requirements of a Hydrogen Village and a Hydrogen Town. 3. Identify an initial concept design for the H100 Fife Village Trial that considers the balance of deliverability/programme, value for money and Evidence Benefits Completed cost/benefit of a project utilising the existing neighbourhood electrolyser and current site vs a 2000 home concept This study focuses on the preliminary and detailed design of a hydrogen village trial with elements of grid conversion and customer opt-in. The outputs will include a report to BEIS setting out the business case across the categories of safety, technical, delivery, customer acceptance, economics and data, providing an overall assessment for H100 Fife progressing into the build phase of the hydrogen village trials programme. It will scope out the work package breakdown for the FEED phase, including a roadmap and level 3 programme, with provision for stakeholder engagement, communications and project management support function The objectives of the Project are to determine the;- outline design for a logical expansion of H100 Fife to 1000+ homes- schedule for delivery- hydrogen conversion strategy- Capital cost estimate- Regulatory milestones and constraints- Training and competency requirements- Exit strategy- FEED project plan- Key stakeholders
Abstract In November 2020, the Prime Ministers 10-point plan set out the low carbon ambitions for the UK including the route to hydrogen, highlighting the UKs world leading status in hydrogen for heat and giving direct mention to the H100 Fife demonstration (Phase 1) intending to deliver hydrogen for heat to 300 homes. This commitment sets out the aim to deliver a Hydrogen Neighbourhood by 2023 (H100 Fife NIC), a Hydrogen Village by 2025 and a Hydrogen Town before the end of this decade. The UK Government, specifically BEIS, has adopted this strategy to deliver its Hydrogen Trials Programme, which it is looking to the GDNs to deliver and have extensively engaged with SGN and the other GDNs in doing so. This has culminated in the development of the programme, which will be run as a competition for both the village and the town. The Project will deliver the pre-FEED to support the delivery of a future hydrogen village trial.

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Added to Database 14/10/22