Projects: Summary of Projects by RegionProjects in Region Scotland involving SGN - Scotland : NIA2_SGN0024 |
Reference Number | NIA2_SGN0024 | |
Title | HyScale LOHC Phase 2 Project | |
Status | Completed | |
Energy Categories | Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 10%; Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen) 90%; |
Research Types | Applied Research and Development 100% | |
Science and Technology Fields | ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100% | |
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation | Not Cross-cutting 100% | |
Principal Investigator |
Project Contact No email address given SGN - Scotland |
Award Type | Network Innovation Allowance | |
Funding Source | Ofgem | |
Start Date | 01 June 2022 | |
End Date | 30 June 2023 | |
Duration | ENA months | |
Total Grant Value | £633,584 | |
Industrial Sectors | Energy | |
Region | Scotland | |
Programme | Network Innovation Allowance | |
Investigators | Principal Investigator | Project Contact , SGN - Scotland (99.997%) |
Other Investigator | Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (0.001%) Project Contact , National Grid Gas Transmission (0.001%) Project Contact , Cadent Central (0.001%) |
Industrial Collaborator | Project Contact , Wales and West Utilities (0.000%) Project Contact , Cadent Gas (0.000%) Project Contact , SGN (0.000%) |
Web Site | |
Objectives | The purpose for this project is to undertake a FEED study for a demonstration project (HyScale) of a Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) system connected to a gas network, to manage inter-seasonal storage. The aim of the demonstration is to further develop hydrogen storage options to provide resilience to the hydrogen gas networks and support wider decarbonisation objectives. The pilot unit will be utilised to demonstrate the technology of LOHCs to capture, store, and release hydrogen when connected to a gas network and prove the scalability of the technology on a commercial level.Phase 1, completed in May 2021, assessed the benefits that Hydrogen Liquid Carrier Infrastructure provides to the UK gas networks. During this, several applications for LOHCs were identified where HyScale could provide practical, safety and economic benefits for hydrogen storage and transportation. A peer review conducted by Imperial College London supported a follow-up demonstration.Several LOHCs have previously been assessed for their technical readiness with plans for wider commercial development. The LOHCs which demonstrated the greatest alignment to the gas network decarbonisation goals were Di-Benzyl Toluene (DBT) and a new emerging LOHC Benzyl Toluene (BT). The technology can be combined with hydrogen production technology, including Auto Thermal Reformation (ATR) and/or Steam Methane Reformation (SMR) to optimise the hydrogen network system at a much lower cost. It will compare various LOHCs on technical and commercial factors to select the ideal chemical for GB wide use. Phase 2 of the project proposes to carry out the detailed engineering which will be used as the key basis on which the demonstration unit will be designed and costed. The detailed engineering will form the FEED study for the demonstration project. SGNs industry leading H100 Fife is a proposed site for the pilot as an area with potential of future further build out of hydrogen production and storage. During this next phase of the project, the opportunity will assess any knowledge gaps surrounding the LOHCs, with comparisons between DBT and BT to determine their responses to inter-seasonal demand profiles and their impact on efficiencies of hydrogen transfer.The major focus of this project is hydrogen storage options, which has significant potential to act as a key role in SGNs vision for a net zero gas network. The findings from this project will provide beneficial information to ongoing SGN projects such as H100, Aberdeen Vision, NGGTs HyNTS FutureGrid and Cadents HyNET project. This project aligns to the future of gas, future of heat and decarbonisation aspects within SGNs Energy futures Strategy through supporting hydrogen storage infrastructure. This project will aim to build upon existing knowledge of hydrogen generation, hydrogen demand, existing fossil fuel infrastructure (transport & Storage), H2 injection into the GB gas grid and will build knowledge and understanding in the following areas:FEED study for a demonstration unit of a LOHC system connected to a gas network for LOHC usage profiles.Inter-seasonal storage capabilities of LOHC and developing a balancing system to optimise their use.This FEED study will form the basis for estimation of capital and operating costs, plant utilisation rates and design of the demonstration project. Optimisation of the cost estimations through an iterative process to increase cost confidence.Developing cost projection models to understand economies of scale. Evaluate the techno-economics and scalability of LOHC. The objectives of this project are to:Assessing the practical, safety, economic and technical benefits that Hydrogen Liquid Carrier Infrastructure (HyScale) as a potential solution for the management of inter-seasonal swings.Investigation comparisons between Dibenzyl Toluene (DBT) and LOHC Benzyl Toluene (BT).Choice of integrated/hybrid vs separated reactor for the demonstration project.Sensitivity analysis and balancing models of optimised LOHC storage scenarios vs ramping up.Determine UK and site-specific costs relating to aspects for the project development and delivery.Complete engineering and detailed design for a demonstration project.Feasibility and optimisation for scale up of LOHC storage for large scale use. | |
Abstract | Undertake a FEED study for the demonstration project (HyScale) of a Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) system connected to a gas network, to manage inter-seasonal swings. The aim of the demonstration is to develop options for hydrogen storage to support wider decarbonisation objectives. Phase 2a of the project proposes to carry out detailed engineering which will form the key basis on which the demonstration will be designed and costed, included within a FEED study for the demonstration project. SGNs H100 Fife site is a proposed site for the demonstration project with possibility of future further build out of LOHC storage. | |
Data | No related datasets |
Projects | No related projects |
Publications | No related publications |
Added to Database | 14/10/22 |