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Projects: Summary of Projects by Region
Projects in Region Scotland involving Scottish and Southern Energy plc : NIA_SSEN_0062
Reference Number NIA_SSEN_0062
Title Customer Led Electric Vehicle Early Registration (CLEVER)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Energy system analysis) 40%;
Energy Efficiency(Transport) 10%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 50%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Consumer attitudes and behaviour) 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD)
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 April 2022
End Date 31 August 2022
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £159,800
Industrial Sectors Power
Region Scotland
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD) (100.000%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD) (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Scottish and Southern Energy plc (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_SSEN_0062
Objectives This project will be delivered utilising best practice, iterative, emergent Agile Development Practices; ElectraLink has found this approach to be very successful in delivering innovation initiatives. Furthermore, Ofgem is now advocating Agile principles with its Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) guidance.The approach involves a series of stages starting with Proof of Concepts (POC), evolving through a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to a Deployed Solution.•Stage 1 Research Proof of Concept (POC) – The exploration and testing of customer appetites to engage with DNOs and project partners to provide EV and HP data, as well as the development and testing of engagement tools, application design ideas and prototypes. The scope of this NIA project is to deliver this Research Proof of Concept only.•Stage 2 Technical Proof of Concept (POC) – This would undertake in a follow-on NIA project and only be pursued if Stage 1 is successful. Taking the learning and engagement experiences and feedback from Stage 1, a Technical POC will be developed that project users can engage and interact with, beyond the level of prototype sophistication provisioned for in Stage 1.•If Stage 1 research into heat pump users does not provide the required levels of validation due to difficulties in finding heat pump customers, then further research may be undertaken in Stage 2.•Stage 3 Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – This would be a follow-on stage and only be pursued if Stage 2 is successful. This stage would encompass the development of the Technical POC to MVP level of sophistication.•Stage 4 Deployment and Continual Evolution (BaU) – If all three stages are successful, Stage 4 would consider the market roll out of the notification service and web and application services to customers.Each stage has a checkpoint at the end with an option to:•Continue to the next stage of the Initiative,•Refocus the Initiative based on learnings to date, or•Close the InitiativeThe project will deliver a Research Proof of Concept (POC) only, through the following method:DNO workshop/s: To understand the data essentials and data flows, from portal to DNO etc, and how this aligns with existing projects and processes. The workshops will organise data items in order of priority of usefulness to DNOs. The workshop will also investigate how data relating to vulnerable customers can be cross-referenced by CLEVER so that vulnerable customer data, such as Priority Service Registrations (PSR), can be updated as an additional project benefit.LCT owner engagement: To understand what consumers could and would be willing to do to notify their DNO about installing an EV or HP, including customer messaging that could be used to encourage information sharing. Consumer research will investigate what incentives would increase consumer engagement e.g. information on the need for data sharing, reduced price products and services.The approach for Heat Pumps will be closely aligned to the EV approach, although due to the lower numbers of Heat Pump owners, a smaller quantitative sample will be applied. The approach assumes that SSEN will provide data on the geographic location of Heat Pump owners to target via face-to-face interviewing. In addition, GenGame will support Accent MR in recruiting heat pump testers from their existing heat pump research customer pool and through their strategic partners, Evergreen Energy, who specialise in heat pump installations to private households. Evergreen Energy have outbound contact consent to contact c. 15 of their customers, and a network of c. 1500 heat pump installation contractors who can advertise the research opportunity to their end-customers.Customer research with EV and Heat Pump owners will help identify barriers and motivators to data sharing, assess what type and level of data owners would be willing to share, and identify what factors (incentives) would encourage sharing of data. An incentive of £120 will be paid to each of the qualitative research participants to cover attendance of two online workshops and completion of online homework tasks. Quantitative heat pump owner participants would be offered a £5 incentive, in the form of a voucher or a charitable donation, for taking part in a questionnaire. This is in line with Market Research Society (MRS) best practice guidelines. Quantitative EV owner research participations will be recruited via commercial panels so no additional incentive will apply.Qualitative research will help explore the concept in more depth, how to communicate and how to develop ongoing engagement between EV and Heat Pump owners and DNOs. Quantitative research will provide feedback on EV and Heat Pump owners attitudes towards data sharing.Prototype testing of a mobile app with EV and Heat pump owners will provide real consumer reactions to example propositions to collect the desired information, and their comprehension and trust of these interfaces. These will build on existing mobile app interfaces from GenGame.The findings will be reviewed and evaluated with SSEN (and against NIA Governance) at the end of the project to determine whether the POC findings do support the viability of progressing to a next, Technical POC, stage. The scope of CLEVER, under this NIA funding application, is to deliver a Research POC to determine the feasibility of securing further DNO involvement to progress to Technical POC, Minimum Viable Product, and fully working Product.The project consists of the following three phases:Phase1 - DNO workshops DNO workshops will be held to understand which data is essential and which is desirable for the purposes of consumer led EV and Heat Pump registration.Phase 2 – LCT owner engagementPrimary research and prototype testing with EV drivers and Heat Pump owners to understand what they are willing and able to offer in terms of EV, ChargePoint and Heat Pump data, and in return for what incentive/s, and by what means.A feedback loop will ensure that the knowledge gained from the respective stages is fed back into each other respectively. This will help optimise knowledge and reporting on what may or may not be feasible going forward to Technical POC (Technical POC being outside of the scope of this project).Phase 3 – Reporting and recommendationsWritten report and presentation on the workshops and research learnings and outcomes to enable an informed decision to be made on the feasibility of progressing to the Technical POC stage under a new initiative. The primary purpose of the Research POC is to validate the CLEVER project hypotheses•EV and Heat Pump owners are willing and able to provide the requested information•The information available from EV & Heat Pump owners is usable and valuable to the DNOsThe project objectives are:-Identification of data requirements from both DNO and LCT owner perspectives to inform a future Technical POC to enable consumer led LCT registration and ongoing updates-Identification of incentives required in return for consumer data input-Identification of data input processes-Delivery of a Research Proof of Concept to determine viability of a consumer-led approach to LCT registration-Opportunity assessment to consider the viability of wrapping vulnerability registration and support into the (future) Technical POC project
Abstract Project CLEVER will test the appetite of EV drivers and Heat Pump owners, including vulnerable customers, to participate in a consumer led LCT (Low Carbon Technology) registration process in support of increasing visibility of EV and Heat Pump proliferation on the LV network. This stage will fund DNO and LCT owner workshops to understand and map what data is essential for DNOs, and what data LCT owners are willing to provide. in addition, the project will explore which type of incentives, on an on-going basis, could be utilised to both increase visibility of EV & Heat Pump demand, and to guard against loss of visibility due to customer events e.g. a house move, acquiring a second EV or significantly changing Heat Pump demand.

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Added to Database 14/10/22