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Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Sequestration by Mineralisation (CCSM) - Final Summary Presentation.

Citation Sweeney, R. Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Sequestration by Mineralisation (CCSM) - Final Summary Presentation., ETI, 2012. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000091.
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Author(s) Sweeney, R.
Project partner(s) Shell Research Ltd, Caterpillar, British Geological Survey, University of Nottingham
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000091
Download CCS_CC2004_7.pdf document type
Abstract This Final Summary Presentation slideset summarises the findings of the Energy Technologies Institute’s project studying the capture and storage of carbon dioxide using mineralisation, CCSM. Five major groups of CCSM technologies were defined and the so-called “aqueous multi-step with additives” group was selected for investigation. Ammonium compounds were utilized as additives, and the CCSM process studied in this project is referred as an “Ammonium-based” CCSM. The ETI is grateful for the contributions made by all participants of the Mineralisation project; Perkins Engines Company Limited (Caterpillar), Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Natural Environment Research Council as represented by the British GeologicalSurvey, and the University of Nottingham.
Associated Project(s) ETI-CC2004: Carbon Capture and Storage by Mineralisation
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture & Storage by Mineralisation - Work Package 1: Stage Gate 2b Report; Synthesis and Interpretation

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture & Storage by Mineralisation: Analysis of UK Opportunities - Request for Proposal

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Sequestration by Mineralisation (CCSM) Final Report

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Sequestration by Mineralisation (CCSM) Stage 2A Report

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Sequestration by Mineralisation (CCSM) Stage 2b Techno-Economic Assessment (TEA) Report

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Storage by Mineralisation Stage Gate 1 Report