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Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - D12 Job implications of establishing a bioenergy market

Citation Wynn, S., Carter, R., Turner, C. and Huxley, C. Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - D12 Job implications of establishing a bioenergy market, ETI, 2016. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000262.
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Author(s) Wynn, S., Carter, R., Turner, C. and Huxley, C.
Project partner(s) ADAS, E4tech, RDI Associates, Crops for Energy, Imperial College Consultants
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000262
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Abstract This deliverable is an addition to the original RELB scope. The aim for this second additional piece of work was to identify the jobs impact that increasing UK bioenergy production to 1.2Mha by 2055 could bring. The report found that, due to the seasonal nature of bioenergy crop planting, management and harvesting, the majority of job opportunities will be part-time, but are complimentary to the seasonal demands of other roles in the agricultural and forestry sectors, particularly arable farming. However, the UK is not currently in a position to deliver the required planting rate of 30 kha/yr – the total planted area of Miscanthus and SRC Willow has remained at around 10 kha in recent years with a limited number of players in the market. Investment is needed in the production of plant breeding materials, including research into new establishment techniques to reduce costs. Investment is also needed in training and specialised equipment for planting and harvesting
Associated Project(s) ETI-BI2012: Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass
Associated Dataset(s)

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - Data on the job implications of establishing a bioenergy market - data supporting charts in main report

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - Data on the job implications of establishing a bioenergy market - data supporting charts in Appendices to main report

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - Field survey results

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - Field Survey

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - Case Study - SRC Willow at Brackenthwaite Farm

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - Case Study - Miscanthus, Friars Farm

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - Case Study - Abbey Farm, Miscanthus

Associated Publication(s)

An ETI Perspective - Increasing UK biomass production through more productive use of land

An ETI Perspective - Opportunities for rural job creation in the UK energy crops sector

Increasing UK biomass production through more productive use of land

Making efficient use of bioenergy feedstocks for cleaner, greener energy

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - D1 Field Survey Plan

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - D11 Route map to 1.4M ha of bioenergy crops

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - Final Project Report (D10) - Slides for presentation February 2016

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - Final Project Report (D9)

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - RELB: Job implications of establishing a bioenergy market

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass - Request for Proposal

Refining Estimates of Land for Biomass- D1 Desk Study Plan (WP2) Version 2.1

Refining estimates of land for Biomass - Route map to 1.4M ha of bioenergy crops