This working paper pulls together and summarises the key information available about energy use and carbon emissions within the UK higher education (HE) sector. In addition it undertakes new analysis based on existing data (some of it unpublished) to provide a better understanding of the sector’s carbon emissions.
Author(s): Meidl, P., Sipowicz, M., Murshed, S.M., Jumel, S., Jobson, M., Oluleye, G., OHanlon, I., McKeon, K., Griessbaum, N., Nichersu, A.
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
The objective of the Distributed Energy (DE) Programme is to increase the uptake of DE through the development of integrated systems in order to reduce through-life costs, improve ease of installation and increase efficiency in the combined generation of heat and electricity. Within this programme framework the objective of the Macro DE FRP will develop and validate a software methodology to enable the design of optimised DE solutions where clusters of demand sites are linked with appropriate DE supply equipment. The project will quantify the opportunity for Macro level DE (up to 50MW) in the UK and the potential to accelerate the development of appropriate technology by 2020 for the purposes of significant implementation by 2030.
This deliverable is numbers 2 and 3 of 3 in Work Package 2. It builds on the approach for calculating energy demand as described in deliverable D2.0. The outcome of the work described in this deliverable is the creation of 946 zones of demand which account for 55% of the GB energy demand across 4% of its geographical area. From these 946 zones of demand, 20 ‘characteristic zones of demand’ have been identified. Between them these zones have been shown to be suitable for characterising the energy demand (both heat and electricity) for GB and will be used in the development of a benefits case for DE in GB and the identification of technology development opportunities which will facilitate the up-take of macro scale DE. These two final points will be addressed in work package 5 of the project
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