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ReportAuthor(s): Ekins, P., Taylor, P., Kohler, J., Page, M., Titheridge, H. and Strachan, N.
Published: 2005
Publisher: UKERC
This workshop was the first in a series of technical workshops under the Energy Systems Modelling Theme (ESMT) of the UKERC. The overall goal of these workshops is to enhance the links between UK energy modelling practitioners, and to learn about different methodologies and analytical techniques. The specific goals of this 1 st ESMT workshop on transport modelling was to bring together energy-economic and transport modellers to learn about each others models, their synergies, and to develop potential collaborations in terms of data, insights and projects. The envisaged workshop outputs were:
Author(s): Ramos, M.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Vincent, C.
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Keay-Bright, S. and Knight, O.
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Meeting Place seminar, co-sponsored by the Sustainable Development Commission and the Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs, aimed to achieve three outcomes:
The event set out to engage a multi-di
Author(s): Keay-Bright, S. and Taylor, G.
Published: 2007
Publisher: UKERC
The aims of this the workshop were:
Author(s): Norris, J. and Mueller, M.
Published: 2005
Publisher: UKERC
The following points emerged as the most important:
Author(s): UKERC and the Imperial College London Centre for Energy Policy and Technology
Published: 2011
Publisher: UKERC
This meeting of independent experts addressed institutional arrangements for implementing UK Electricity Market Reform (EMR). It was convened jointly by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) and the Imperial College Centre for Energy Policy and Technology (ICEPT). Institutional issues are closely tied to arrangements for a proposed Capacity Mechanism. Discussions at the workshop reflected this link.
Author(s): UKERC
Published: 2011
Publisher: UKERC
The meeting considered both the general shape of the Electricity Market Reform (EMR) package and the four specific elements proposed in the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and HM Treasury (HMT) consultations. This summary covers first the generic aspects and then, more briefly, the four specific elements.
Author(s): Evans, B. and Palmer, J.
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
The workshop presentations and the ensuing discussion clearly underlined the UK potential for community energy initiatives. There are in the region of 500 community energy projects currently in the UK, demonstrating a wide range of technologies and approaches. However, although these projects will generate a considerable amount of kilowatts, it is equally important to recognise other roles that they may play. The contribution of projects to, for example, combating social exclusion or increasing public understanding of renewable energy technologies may be as important as power generation or energy conservation.
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cooper, T., James, R. and Gardner, S.
Published: 2012
Publisher: UKERC
The meeting brought together around 100 energy professionals from academia, business, the public sector, and nongovernmental organisations to discuss governance challenges and solutions for achieving a sustainable, secure, and affordable British energy system. The organisers approached this from a wide range of expertise including policy, law, regulation, energy provision, energy efficiency and behavioural change. The day began with a plenary in which four speakers introduced the topic. This was followed by breakout sessions to cover six themes:
During a closing plenary five speakers reflected on the key messages fromthe meeting.
Author(s): Gross, R., Bradshaw, M., Blyth, W., Bell, K., Webb, J., Taylor, P., Gailani, A., Rattle, I., Cooper, S., Allen, S., Brand, C., Strachan, N., Wu, J., Qadrdan, M., Britton, J., Dodds, P., Bays, J., Jones, C., Halliday, J., Armstrong, A., Chilvers, J. and Pallet, H.
Published: 2024
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Colechin, M. and Quigley, C.
Published: 2023
Publisher: UKERC
This workshop was a joint event organised by CREDS and UKERC Sarah Higginson, Catherine Jones, Kate Kwok, Marina Topouzi, Mike Fell, Gesche Huebner and facilitated by Mike Colechin
Author(s): Sharick, A. and Webb, J.
Published: 2016
Publisher: UKERC
UKERC co-hosted a meeting last month with DECC and ETI to seek input and feedback on plans for the 300 million in heat network capital expenditures announced in the government's Spending Review.Amber Sharick, UKERC Business Engagement Manager, andJan Webb, UKERC Researcher & Professor of Sociology of Organisations, University of Edinburgh, report on the discussions.
Author(s): Otoadese, J.
Published: 2008
Publisher: UKERC
To address the aim, each chapter author presented a 10-minute summary of his chapter. This was followed by a five-minute critique by an invited discussant. Comments were invited from the floor for a further 15-minute period. Professor Gary May provided an overview of research in this area at the end of the workshop. The workshop was opened by an invited chair, Professor A.P. Sakis Meliopoulos of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Professor Meliopoulos offered final concluding remarks.
Author(s): Palmer, J., LaJoie, K. and Strachan, NS.
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
The 2006 Annual Energy Modelling Conference (AEMC) of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) was held in Oxford UK from 5-7 December 2006. The conference theme was Quantifying Scenarios of a Low Carbon Society. The conference structure consisted of an open symposium with UK energy policy stakeholders followed by a technical modelling workshop. A particular emphasis was on developing country participation. A key output of the workshop was to define comparative modelling runs which will be a direct research output to the UK-Japan research project Developing Visions for a LowCarbon Society (LCS) through Sustainable Development.
Open Symposium
Author(s): Rhymes, J.
Published: 2015
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): UKERC
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
The aim of the workshop was to strengthen UK/Italian collaboration as a basis for submitting joint projects under the EU’s 7th Framework Programme, and in general to further international cooperation on carbon capture and storage. Three specific work areas were identified:
a) Coal gasification and hydrogen production
b) Coal combustion with carbon dioxide capture
c) Geological storage
Author(s): UKERC
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
The seminar was split into two parts, with the morning concentrating on future applications for hydrogen (the demand side) and the future economics of hydrogen infrastructure development (supply side). On the applications front, there were presentations from Dr Paul Harborne of the Cass Business School and Professor Paul Ekins of the Policy Studies Institute.
Author(s): Tosato, G., Keay-Bright, S., Taylor, P. and Strachan, N.
Published: 2005
Publisher: UKERC
This regular ETSAP workshop, held at St Annes College, Oxford, was preceded by a focused UKERC sponsored event which examined issues in modelling future energy technology costs and choice.
The ETSAP meeting was structured around the two main themes. The first was applications of the MARKAL / TIMES model variants in specific methodological and policy focused projects. The second was presentations detailing ongoing model development and improvement in this open-source collaboration in energy system analytical tools.
Two underlying developments were discussed throughout the two days. The first was the surge of interest in scenario quantification and modelling of the options for climate change mitigation policies arising from the G8 Gleneagles Summit. ETSAP is likely to be heavily involved in this process which includes the IEA preparing a new flagship publicationon Global Energy Technology Perspectives (GETP). The first annual GETP is to be published in March 2006, will explore the role energy technologies can play in shaping long term markets and will be closely tied to results from the global MARKAL model. The second was an ongoing aim to continue to interact with key developing countries and to enhance and to link with their energy modelling capacities. This has been done through ETSAP as a whole and through bilateral contacts and this process will continue to be strengthened.
In additional to the modelling insights this workshop offered an excellent opportunity for networking and relationship building between international modelling groups. This was facilitated by the conference dinner held at St Anthonys College, Oxford.
Author(s): OBrien, M., Webster, A. and Lancaster, K.
Published: 2007
Publisher: UKERC
The participants in the session clearly represented a wide range of relevant backgrounds. Only a minority of participants were familiar with the details of fusion research. This led to a rapid discussion and overview of the main concepts behind fusion in Tokamaks such as JET and ITER this is summarised here. The event took place over 2 days with a break down of what occured within the document.
Author(s): Bellaby, P. and Eames, M.
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
The aim of the TSEC Trust Symposium was to bring together key individuals from the UK energy research community with leading UK and international social scientists who had previously worked on issues of trust in other social and technological contexts, in order to:
Sustainable development, global warming and energy security are issues for the current generation and action/inaction now will profoundly affect future generations. Changes seem to be inevitable, but there is room for debate about the extent to which the market will deliver the necessary energy transition or there must be policy-led ‘managed change’. Whichever course is taken, changes on the scale and of the complexity required will depend on cooperation between stakeholders at many levels. Trust/mistrust will play a part, positive or negative, in securing that cooperation. As yet little work has been done on trust in an energy policy context. The TSEC Trust workshop and project are part of an attempt to build capacity among researchers to undertake that task.
Author(s): Coleman, J.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Otoadese, J. and Keay-Bright, S.
Published: 2007
Publisher: UKERC
This seminar brought together some 25 experts including policy makers, scientists and tourism stakeholders to focus on the relationship between travel, climate change and tourism, and to explore the questions below. It examined the scope for the tourism sector to respond positively to the challenges of climate change, with an expansion in tourism activities that are not reliant on flying.
In the face of these challenges and opportunities, the workshop explored:
Author(s): Otoadese, J. and Keay-Bright, S.
Published: 2007
Publisher: UKERC
This seminar brought together some 25 experts including policy makers, scientists and tourism stakeholders to focus on the relationship between travel, climate change and tourism, and to explore the questions below. It examined the scope for the tourism sector to respond positively to the challenges of climate change, with an expansion in tourism activities that are not reliant on flying.
This document is only the Executive summary of the meeting.
Author(s): Keay-Bright, S.
Published: 2007
Publisher: UKERC
This report provides an overview of what occurred over the 2 days of this annual assembly.
Thursday 28th June:
Friday 29th June:
Author(s): Lowe, R. and Halliday, J.A.
Published: 2014
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Taylor, G.
Published: 2009
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities inBioenergy for Heat, Power and Liquid transportation fuels research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Haszeldine, S.
Published: 2009
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in carbon capture and storage research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Minchener, A.
Published: 2012
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in coal combustion research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Minchener, A.
Published: 2012
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in coal conversion research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Gahan, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in electric power conversion research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Chaudry, M
Published: 2014
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in electricity transmission and distribution research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Hammond, G.
Published: 2009
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in energy efficiency (industry) research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Beecroft, M. and Anable, J.
Published: 2012
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in energy efficiency (transport)research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Ruddell, A.J.
Published: 2013
Publisher: UKERC
This has been superseded by a new 2019 landscape
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in energy storage research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Ruddell, A.J.
Published: 2020
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in energy storage research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Strachan, N.
Published: 2011
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities inEnergy Systems Modelling research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Brandon, N
Published: 2013
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in fuel cells research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Wright, L.C. and Younger, P.
Published: 2012
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities ingeothermal energy - research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Dutton, A.G., Halliday, J.A. and Mays, T.
Published: 2013
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in hydrogen research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Aggidis, G.
Published: 2013
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in hydropower research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Wang, X.
Published: 2009
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities inInterdisciplinary Research Centres - research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Finlay, L., Jay, B. and Jeffrey, H.
Published: 2012
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in marine renewable energy research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Howarth, P.J.A. and Stonell, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in nuclear fission research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Warrick, C., O'Brien, M., Ward, D., Nelson, C. and Edwards, C.
Published: 2013
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities innuclear fusion - research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Hannon, M
Published: 2013
Publisher: UKERC
This has been superseded by a new 2019 landscape
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in socio-economic issues research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Hannon, M.
Published: 2019
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in socio-economic issues research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Irvine, S.J.C.
Published: 2013
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in solar energy research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Silvast, A.
Published: 2019
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in energy storage research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Halliday, J.A. and Ruddell, A.J.
Published: 2013
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in wind energy research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Breen, R.
Published: 2012
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in oil and gas research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Watson, J., Ketsopoulou, I., McGlade, C. and Aylott, M.
Published: 2014
Publisher: UKERC
In May 2014, the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) was awarded 14 million from EPSRC, ESRC and NERC for a third five year phase of research and engagement activities (2014-19). This new phase will build on UKERCs first two phases (2004- 2014). As was the case for UKERC phase 2, the new phase of UKERC includes a flexible research fund that will be allocated through a series of open research calls, overseen by an independent Research Committee. Around 4 million will be available for the flexible research fund during UKERC phase 3.
The flexible research fund has a number of objectives, including:
On 30 June 2014, an initial Town Hall Meeting was held at the UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources in London, to discuss potential priorities for flexible funding.
Author(s): UKERC
Published: 2020
Publisher: UKERC
The UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) is in its fourth five-year phase of research and engagement activities, which will run until April 2024. In addition to the core programme of research, a number of mechanisms have been put in place to ensure that participation in UKERC is broad, flexible and addresses the needs of the wider UK research community.
A Flexible Fund of around £3m (valued at 80% FEC) has been set up in order to commission new research and facilitate the integration of the existing programme. The Fund is overseen by UKERC’s independent Research Committee. The key aims of the Fund are:
This report presents the outputs of two key consultation activities on potential Flexible Fund topics :
Author(s): Ketsopoulou, I.
Published: 2016
Publisher: UKERC
On the 3rd of October 2016 a workshop was held at Imperial College in London in order to identify potential priority topics for the third round of funding. The interim outcomes of the scoping paper on non-energy policies were presented during the workshop. The attendees were then split into three groups where they had the opportunity to suggest potential topics for the third round of funding. This included specific discussion of potential research on the impact of non-energy policies. The participants also discussed the potential for funding smaller projects of up to 50k with the specific aim of building new collaborations. Towards the end of the day the participants undertook a prioritisation exercise to determine which potential topics they would prefer to see funded.
This report outlines the discussions that took place during the workshop and the outcomes of the voting ex
Author(s): Keay-Bright, S., Begg, K. and Linley, A.
Published: 2008
Publisher: UKERC
Two workshops brought together around 40 experts including policy makers and advisors, scientists, businesses and civil society organisations to provide a neutral forum, under Chatham House rules, for full and frank dialogue to discuss measures for maximising the sustainability marine energy arrays within the UK government target timescales. The first workshop, Marine Planning for Arrays: Social, economic and environmental issues and implications, examined the social, economic and environmental impacts and cumulative impacts relating to siting and deployment of arrays and how to integrate the assessment and management of these using a holistic approach that considers the entire marine and coastal system. The second workshop, Marine spatial planning for the deployment of arrays, examined the marine planning policy context, simplification of consenting, locational criteria and models under development to aid decision-making.
Author(s): Keay-Bright, S, Begg, K. and Linley, A.
Published: 2008
Publisher: UKERC
Two workshops brought together around 40 experts including policy makers and advisors, scientists, businesses and civil society organisations to provide a neutral forum, under Chatham House rules, for full and frank dialogue to discuss measures for maximising the sustainability marine energy arrays within the UK government target timescales. The first workshop, “Marine Planning for Arrays: Social, economic and environmental issues and implications”, examined the social, economic and environmental impacts and cumulative impacts relating to siting and deployment of arrays and how to integrate the assessment and management of these using a holistic approach that considers the entire marine and coastal system. The second workshop, “Marine spatial planning for the deployment of arrays”, examined the marine planning policy context, simplification of consenting, locational criteria and models under development to aid decision-making.
Author(s): Hinnells, M., Eppel, S. and Mitchell, C.
Published: 2005
Publisher: UKERC
This note summarises the output from the UKERC/SDC “Unlocking Energy Services” seminar held in November 2005. The presentations made at the seminar can be downloaded from the UKERC website. The briefing note prepared prior to the seminar is attached at Annex A. An update note on the G* and EU context for energy services is attached at Annex B. There is a significant market in the EU and the EU Energy End-Use and Energy Services Directive was adopted in December 2005. Its objective is to enhance the cost-effective improvement of energy end-use efficiency in member states.
Author(s): Hampton, S., Eadson, W., Blundel, R. and Sugar, K.
Published: 2024
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): KEAY-BRIGHT. S.
Published: 2005
Publisher: UKERC
This technical workshop was convened to stimulate ideas for making energy research and innovation more effective and to encourage closer working relationships.
Existing cooperation to advance clean coal technologies and carbon capture and sequestration (e.g. Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum), hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, (e.g. International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy), renewable energy and energy efficiency (e.g. REEEP, REN 21, MEDREP) and nuclear energy (e.g. GEN IV Global International Forum and International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is established and operational. The existing partnerships include some key developing countries and complement the broad spectrum of energy technologies being progressed by the International Energy Agency (IEA).
The workshop participants from G8 countries recognised the pressing need to meet growing global energy demand whilst addressing the challenges of energy security, air pollution and climate change. Developing country participants highlighted the importance of poverty alleviation, economic development and the need for solutions amenable to their needs.
The participants found the workshop valuable, particularly with respect to the sharing of information. However, given the appetite for information exchange and the time limitations, participants were not able to produce specific action oriented proposals.
The workshop participants made the following observations and recommendations with respect to energy research and innovation, to be put forward for consideration by the Governments of the participating countries.
Author(s): Strachan, N. and Ozkan, N.
Published: 2005
Publisher: UKERC
This workshop brought together researchers working within the International Energy Agency’s ETSAP network of MARKAL model users, together with a broad range of practitioners from the UK energy modelling community.
This opportunity for the two modelling communities to learn from each other’s work was enabled by the UK hosting the regular ETSAP semi-annual meeting which discussed modelling issues related to the MARKAL / TIMES family of energy models on subsequent days. One of the purposes of the UKERC Meeting Place is to develop networking and collaboration between UK energy researchers and also with the wider network of international energy practitioners.
The costs and characteristics of future energy technologies and how quickly they penetrate markets is a fundamental driver in the evolution of energy systems. Future technology cost is critical in assessing the costs of energy policies, ranging from economic competitiveness, environmental protection and emission mitigation, security of supply and equitable access to energy services. In response, a major ongoing effort by the energy modelling community has sought to better understand and incorporate this key driver of technological change into their energy models.
The scope of the workshop was to:
Author(s): Stewart, A. and Hope-Morley, A.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
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