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Results - Energy Innovation Needs Assessment. Sub-theme report on Carbon capture, usage and storage (2019)

Author(s) Subtheme Group
Abstract The Carbon Capture Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) sub-theme analysis focusses on CCS for power, industrial CCS, and utilisation to produce fuels. CCUS technologies have different deployment timelines and present a variety of important innovation opportunities capable of bringing system benefits. There are three options for capturing emissions: post-combustion, pre-combustion, and oxycombustion. All three have different performance characteristics, integration requirements, and optimal applications.
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Year 2019
Status Current
Timescale No Data Supplied
Geographic Coverage UK
Funder BEIS
Methods Desk research and stakeholder enagagement
Stakeholder Academic community, industry and government
Document Structure No Data Supplied
Rights OGL 3.0