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Results - Energy Innovation Needs Assessment. Sub-theme report on Hydrogen and fuel cells (2019)

Author(s) Subtheme Group
Abstract The hydrogen energy sector is significantly wider than most other EINA sub- themes. It encompasses a broad range of technologies covering hydrogen production, delivery, and end use. For this reason, this sub-theme required further characterisation and subdivision into smaller groups that were analysed individually. The three groups into which the sub-theme was divided are: hydrogen production, hydrogen infrastructure, and hydrogen final use. The only end use of hydrogen considered within this sub-theme report was fuel cells, with an exclusive focus on stationary combined heat and power (CHP) applications. Other hydrogen end-uses are included in other EINA sub-theme reports.
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Year 2019
Status Current
Timescale No Data Supplied
Geographic Coverage UK
Funder BEIS
Methods Desk research and stakeholder enagagement
Stakeholder Academic community, industry and government
Document Structure No Data Supplied
Rights OGL 3.0