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Results - Hydrogen Storage Technology Roadmap (USA) (November 2005)

Author(s) US Department of Energy (DoE)
Abstract The purpose of the roadmap is to drive the development and demonstration of commercially viable hydrogen storage technologies that meet FreedomCAR and Fuel Partnership goals. The technical targets are for on-board hydrogen storage systems with a 300-mile vehicle range. The targets are subject to change as more is learned about system requirements and as progress in fuel cell technology is made.
Download Hydrogen Storage Technology Roadmap (USA) (November 2005)
Year 2005
Status Archived
Timescale Short 2007 Medium 2010 Long 2015
Geographic Coverage USA
Funder US Department of Energy (DoE)
Methods Desk study (not explicit), Consultation, Interviews (Not explicit), Facilitated workshop(s), Working groups/task force
Stakeholder University based researchers, Other Public sector researchers, Business - Technology, Goverment - Energy, Government - Set
Document Structure Trends and drivers? Not specified. Enablers? - list: US Department of Energy (DoE) Industries Performance measures/targets? - list: System Weight and Volume,System Cost, Efficiency, Durability/Operability, Charging/Discharging Rates Mapping of RD&D activities? Yes Critical assessment of capabilities? Yes
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