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Results - UK Solar PV Strategy Part 2: Delivering a Brighter Future (April 2014)

Author(s) Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC)
Abstract Provides the second half of the UK’s Solar PV deployment strategy.
Download UK Solar PV Strategy Part 2: Delivering a Brighter Future (April 2014) document type
Year 2014
Status Archived
Timescale 2013-2020
Geographic Coverage UK
Funder Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC)
Methods Desk study
Stakeholder Government - Energy
Document Structure Trends and drivers - list: Innovation; markets; jobs and growth; Enablers? - list: Innovation will provide progress for cost reduction, financial solutions, balancing the system, and carbon emissions reductions; Potential to contribute tens of thousands of jobs; examining opportunities in a variety of market segments Performance measure/targets? No Mapping of R&D activities? No
Rights OGL