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Results - Technology Roadmap: Electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (2011)

Author(s) Lew Fulton as lead author
Abstract The Electric and Plug-in Hybrid (EV/PHEV) Vehicles Roadmap has been developed in collaboration with governments, industry and non-government organisations (NGOs). The approach began with a review and assessment of existing domestic and international collaboration efforts by member governments and industry groups on EV/PHEV technology and deployment. These efforts included all technical and policy-related activities associated with moving this technology from the laboratory to widespread commercial use. This roadmap covers the two main types of electrification for light-duty vehicles: pure batteryelectric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Non plug-in hybrids and other efficiency improvements in current ICE vehicles will be covered under a separate roadmap.
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Year 2011
Status Archived
Timescale Not stated
Geographic Coverage No Data Supplied
Funder No Data Supplied
Methods No Data Supplied
Stakeholder Supranational organisations (e.g., the IEA), Nongovernmental organisations, State, provincial and local governments, Electric utilities, Automobile manufacturers and suppliers, Training/ science ministries and universities, Environment/ energy/ resource ministries, Economics/ finance ministries
Document Structure No Data Supplied
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