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Results - Energy Innovation Needs Assessment. Sub-theme report on Offshore wind (2019)

Author(s) Subtheme Group
Abstract The offshore wind sub-theme focusses on offshore wind, both fixed and floating platforms. This report focusses on offshore wind exclusively as it: 1) is expected to be deployed at significantly larger scale than solar and onshore wind and 2) is a relatively immature technology with greater opportunities for innovation to bring system benefits and unlock export opportunities for UK business. Offshore wind’s role in the energy system, as a variable renewable, is like that of solar and onshore wind in that it is a relatively low-cost source of low-carbon electricity. However, the ability to deploy the technology without as many practical and acceptability limits that occur onshore means that a higher potential is possible. In the future, if the available resource is less constrained, it may be possible for offshore wind to production of storable renewable fuels (e.g. hydrogen).
Download Energy Innovation Needs Assessment. Sub-theme report on Offshore wind (2019) document type
Year 2019
Status Current
Timescale No Data Supplied
Geographic Coverage UK
Funder BEIS
Methods Desk research and stakeholder enagagement
Stakeholder Academic community, industry and government
Document Structure No Data Supplied
Rights OGL 3.0