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Results - Technical Architecture (UK electricity distribution network infrastructure roadmap) (June 2005)

Author(s) Technical Architecture project team
Abstract Since de-regulation the Electricity Supply Industry has undergone a metamorphic change both technically and commercially. The industry has become much more streamlined and, at the same time, more fragmented in its different approaches to solving the common challenges of an ever more demanding customer base, an ageing infrastructure and a rising preponderance of different forms of distributed generation. The challenge going forward is to provide greater flexibility to allow distribution power networks of the future to deliver the demands that will be placed on them by future generations. To achieve this, the normal ambition of best practice and cost efficiency must be blended with technical innovation and sustainable strategies to allow the liberalised market to flourish and deliver the real promise of a lower carbon economy in an affordable, safe and environmentally acceptable manner. This report sets out the steps that will be necessary to ensure the most appropriate use is made of our legacy infrastructure, the opportunities that innovative technological, commercial, regulatory and environmental solutions can offer and a framework that will allow these solutions to be delivered in a liberalised context. The report proposes the processes needed and offers recommendations to achieve this goal.
Download Technical Architecture (UK electricity distribution network infrastructure roadmap) (June 2005)
Year 2005
Status Archived
Timescale No Data Supplied
Geographic Coverage UK
Funder OFGEM
Methods No Data Supplied
Stakeholder No Data Supplied
Document Structure No Data Supplied
Rights Not recorded