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Workshop to Develop a Bioenergy Research Roadmap for the UK

Citation Taylor, Gail Workshop to Develop a Bioenergy Research Roadmap for the UK. UKERC. 2007.
Author(s) Taylor, Gail
Publisher UKERC
Download Workshop_to_Develop_a_Bioenergy_Research_Roadmap_for_the_UK.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number UKERC/WP/ESM/2007/016

This meeting will bring together a wide range of stakeholders – researchers, funders, policy makers and industrialists – to identify bioenergy Research Roadmap priorities for the UK, as there is no current Research Roadmap specifically tailored for the context of the UK.

Our agricultural landscape is complex but limited and the way in which UK-sourced and imported feedstock may be deployed for the competing requirements of heat, power and liquid fuel is not easily resolved. On the one hand the energy balance of heat and power may be much better than that for liquid biofuels, but on the other hand, few alternatives for liquid biofuel are available, in contrast to renewable sources of heat and power. All of this highlights the complexity of this area and suggests that such a discussion meeting is timely and will produce valuable output that captures the interdisciplinary requirements of this topic.

The scope of the meeting is to:

  • Develop a clear understanding of the shared priorities for Bioenergy Research in a UK context.
  • Create a framework document with bullet pointed headings for further development.
  • Consider the nature of roadmapping and looked at other roadmaps for the USA and EU.

Our conclusions will be evidence-based and our hope is that ours will be a document that helps to guide the UK Research Funding Councils and other UK agencies to 2020, ensuring bioenergy is considered in a holistic way. Our Roadmap will be published by UKERC and used as a high level document, adding to roadmaps being produced in other areas including PV and Wave and Tidal energy. This document will then be developed further following the meeting and again put out to consultation.