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Layered perovskites as promising cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells

Citation Tarancon A, Skinner, S, Chater, R.J. and Kilner, J. Layered perovskites as promising cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells. 2007. https://doi.org/10.1039/B704320A.
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Author(s) Tarancon A, Skinner, S, Chater, R.J. and Kilner, J.
Opus Title Journal of Material Chemistry
Pages 3175-3181
Volume 17
DOI https://doi.org/10.1039/B704320A

The suitability of GdBaCo2O5+as a cathode material for intermediate temperature solidoxidefuelcells has been evaluated. The18O/16O isotope exchange depth profile (IEDP) method has been used to obtain the oxygen surface exchange and oxygentracerdiffusion coefficients yielding optimum values for applicability infuelcells (k* = 2.8 107cm s1andD* = 4.8 1010cm2s1at 575 C) especially in terms of lowactivationenergies (EAk= 0.81(4) andEAD= 0.60(4) eV). The same material has been characterized electrically as a part of a symmetrical electrochemical system (GdBaCo2O5+/Ce0.9Gd0.1O2x/GdBaCo2O5+), by means ofimpedance spectroscopymeasurements, corroborating an excellent performance in the classical intermediate temperature range for solidoxidefuelcells (500700 C). An area specific resistance (electrodeelectrolyte interface) of 0.25 cm2at 625 C was achieved for a cell processing temperature of 975 C.Finally, layered perovskites are presented as a promising new family of materials for cathode use in solidoxidefuelcells at low temperatures.