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Multi-time Period Combined Gas and Electricity Network Optimisation

Citation Chaudry, M., Jenkins, N. and Strabc, G. Multi-time Period Combined Gas and Electricity Network Optimisation. UKERC. 2007.
Author(s) Chaudry, M., Jenkins, N. and Strabc, G.
Publisher UKERC
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UKERC Report Number UKERC/WP/EIS/2007/014

A multi-time period combined gas and electricity network optimisation model was developed. The optimisation model takes into account the varying nature of gas flows, network support facilities such as gas storage and the power ramping characteristics of electricity generation units. The combined optimisation is performed from an economic viewpoint, minimising the costs associated with gas supplies, linepack management, gas storage operation, electricity generation and load shedding. It is demonstrated on two case studies, a simple example, and on the GB network.