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Carbon Emission Accounting Balancing the books for the UK

Citation Morgan, N. Carbon Emission Accounting Balancing the books for the UK. 2011.
Author(s) Morgan, N.
Download Policy_Briefing_Carbon_Emission_Accounting_Balancing_the_Books_for_the_UK.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number UKERC/BP/CO2EMI/2011/001
  • Nearly 20 years of climate change policy has failed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions linked to
    economic activity in the UK.
  • Although the UK has met its Kyoto obligations, this has been achieved largely by outsourcing production and
    relying on importing consumer products from abroad to meet growing consumer demand. As UK consumer
    demand has continued to grow, so have the GHG emissions embedded in imported goods.
  • If the UK is to measure its overall contribution to changes in global GHG emissions, consumer emission
    accounting offers a sound method for attributing GHG emissions.
  • Increased transfer of low-carbon technologies to producer countries, even when technology transfer does not
    form part of any international GHG emissions reduction agreement, will help those countries to reduce their
    emissions and thereby contribute to a true global reduction.
  • “Framework conditions” to encourage sustainable consumption might involve government intervention in areas
    such as prices, providing infrastructure for a sustainable lifestyle, and public engagement.