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A review of regional and global estimates of unconventional gas resources - A report to the Energy Security Unit of the Joint Research Centre of the European commission

Citation McGlade, C., Speirs, J. and Sorrell, S. A review of regional and global estimates of unconventional gas resources - A report to the Energy Security Unit of the Joint Research Centre of the European commission. UKERC. 2012.
Author(s) McGlade, C., Speirs, J. and Sorrell, S.
Publisher UKERC
Download A_Review_of_Regional_and_Global_Estimates_of_Unconventional_Gas_Resources.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number UKERC/RR/ESY/2012/001

This report assesses the currently available evidence on the size of unconventional gas resources at the regional and global level. Focusing in particular on shale gas, it provides a comprehensive summary and comparison of the estimates that have been produced to date. It also examines the methods by which these resource estimates have been produced the strengths and weaknesses of those methods, the range of uncertainty in the results and the factors that are relevant to their interpretation.