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Climate change and energy security: Assessing the impact of information and its delivery on attitudes and behaviour

Citation Happer, C., Philo, G. and Froggatt, A. Climate change and energy security: Assessing the impact of information and its delivery on attitudes and behaviour. UKERC. 2012.
Author(s) Happer, C., Philo, G. and Froggatt, A.
Publisher UKERC
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UKERC Report Number UKERC/RR/HQ/2012/002

The aim was to examine the specific triggers for changes in patterns of understanding and attitude – and the conditions under which these lead to changes in behaviour. New and innovative methodologies were developed, including the preparation of authentic news broadcasts to present possible future outcomes of climate change and problems with energy security constraint. The results show how beliefs held by audiences can be affected when they receive new information. The conditions under which people believe or reject different arguments are at the heart of the study.