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Presenting the Future: An assessment of future costs estimation methodologies in the electricity generation sector

Citation Gross, R., Heptonstall, P., Greenacre, P., Candelise, C., Jones, F. and Castillo Castillo, A. Presenting the Future: An assessment of future costs estimation methodologies in the electricity generation sector. UKERC. 2013.
Author(s) Gross, R., Heptonstall, P., Greenacre, P., Candelise, C., Jones, F. and Castillo Castillo, A.
Publisher UKERC
Download Presenting_the_Future-Electricity_Generation_Cost_Estimation_Methodologies.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number UKERC/RR/TPA/2013/001

This report considers the role and importance of electricity cost estimates and the methodologies employed to forecast future costs. It examines the conceptual and empirical basis for the expectation that costs will reduce over time, explains the main cost forecasting methodologies, and analyses their strengths, limitations and difficulties. It considers six case study technologies in order to derive both technology specific and generic conclusions about the tools and techniques used to project future electricity generation costs.