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Uncertainties in Energy Demand in Residential Heating (Working Paper)

Citation Eyre, N. and Baruah, P. Uncertainties in Energy Demand in Residential Heating (Working Paper). UKERC. 2014.
Author(s) Eyre, N. and Baruah, P.
Publisher UKERC
Download Uncertainties_in_Energy_Demand_in_Residential_Heating_Working_Paper.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number UKERC/WP/FG/2014/007

Direct use of fossil fuels is the main source of space heating in the UK and this drives a major part of national greenhouse gas emissions. Climate stabilisation therefore implies a systemic change in approaches to space heating, involving some combination of radical efficiency improvement and low carbon fuels. The challenge in this area for the UK is made particularly difficult because of the combination of the legal commitment to an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050, an old building stock and a very high penetration of natural gas as a heating fuel.

This paper presents new quantified scenarios for residential energy use in the UK to 2050. These address both factors that are exogenous to the energy system, such as population, but also some systemically different approaches to delivering residential heat.