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How consistent and comparable are ecosystem services and energy system scenarios ?

Citation Holland, R., Ketsopoulou, I., Beaumont, N., Austen, M., Hooper.,T., Gross, R., Heptonstall, P., Watson, J. and Taylor., G. How consistent and comparable are ecosystem services and energy system scenarios ?. UKERC. 2016.
Author(s) Holland, R., Ketsopoulou, I., Beaumont, N., Austen, M., Hooper.,T., Gross, R., Heptonstall, P., Watson, J. and Taylor., G.
Publisher UKERC
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UKERC Report Number Nil

To what extent are energy and ecosystem scenarios consistent and comparable? A new working paper from the TPA Theme of UKERC suggests that energy and ecosystem service scenarios are broadly consistent, with climate change representing a unifying narrative.