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Governance: Challenges and Solutions for a Sustainable, Secure and Affordable British Energy System - Meeting Report

Citation Cooper, T., James, R. and Gardner, S. Governance: Challenges and Solutions for a Sustainable, Secure and Affordable British Energy System - Meeting Report. UKERC. 2012.
Author(s) Cooper, T., James, R. and Gardner, S.
Publisher UKERC
Download Governance-Challenges_and_Solutions_for_a_Sustainable_Secure_and_Affordable_British_Energy_System.pdf document type
Pages 43
UKERC Report Number UKERC/MR/MP/2012/002

The meeting brought together around 100 energy professionals from academia, business, the public sector, and nongovernmental organisations to discuss governance challenges and solutions for achieving a sustainable, secure, and affordable British energy system. The organisers approached this from a wide range of expertise including policy, law, regulation, energy provision, energy efficiency and behavioural change. The day began with a plenary in which four speakers introduced the topic. This was followed by breakout sessions to cover six themes:

  • Technologies and investment
  • Behaviour and lifestyles
  • Local governance
  • Institutions, decision making, and legitimacy
  • International governance issues
  • Business, new entrants, and new practices

During a closing plenary five speakers reflected on the key messages fromthe meeting.