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Future UK Gas Security: A Position Paper

Citation Bradshaw, M. Future UK Gas Security: A Position Paper. Warwick Business School and UKERC. 2018.
Author(s) Bradshaw, M.
Publisher Warwick Business School and UKERC
Download Future_UK_Gas_Security-A_Position_Paper_WBS_UKERC.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number N/A

Natural gas plays a critical role in the UK’s energy system, providing twice as much energy as electricity, thus the secure and affordable supply of natural gas is an essential element of UK energy security and a key objective of Government policy. The starting proposition for this report is that Brexit is coming at a time when there are already major challenges to the UK’s future gas security.

This report deploys two aspects of previous UKERC research on UK gas security: first, a supply chain approach to assessing UK gas security; and second, a whole systems approach that places current and future gas demand within the context of the decarbonisation of the UK’s energy system. This is because there are key uncertainties in the wider system that have important implications for future gas demand. It is in this context that the Brexit decision has created additional uncertainty at a time when the UK energy sector needs to make critical investment decisions. In the current situation we can conceive of a ‘Brexit Interregnum’ whereby important decisions and policies are delayed because of the demands of the Brexit negotiations.

This report has three objectives:

  • To identify the key challenges facing the UK’s natural gas market;
  • To understand the role that EU policies and institutions currently play in the operations of the UK’s natural gas market; and,
  • To identify the potential impact of Brexit and the key issues that should be addressed in a post-Brexit ‘UK Gas Security Strategy.’