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Visions for the future of community energy in the UK - realising the potential

Citation Braunholtz-Speight, T., McLachlan, C., Mander, S., Cairns, I., Hannon, M., Hardy, J., Manderson, E. and Sharmina, M Visions for the future of community energy in the UK - realising the potential. UKERC. 2019.
Author(s) Braunholtz-Speight, T., McLachlan, C., Mander, S., Cairns, I., Hannon, M., Hardy, J., Manderson, E. and Sharmina, M
Publisher UKERC
Download UKERC_Visions_for_the_Future_of_Community_Energy_in_the_UK.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number N/A

What might community energy in the UK look like in the long term ? What does it need for it to thrive ?

This report provides a summary of practitioner and stakeholder responses to these questions, and many more, that explore the future of community energy in the UK.

Through a series of workshops held across the UK over the winter of 2018-19, invited participants were encouraged to explore and debate the future of community energy.

We found that community energy actors feel they have lots to offer to, and gain from, the transition to a decentralised and flexible energy system. The system appears to be moving towards a future where there is a clear need for organisations that combine technical knowledge with the skills and trust to effectively engage citizens – such as community energy groups.