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Results - Annual Publications List for 2010

48 publications found

Energy Demand (Demand Reduction)

Book Chapter

Hydrogen system modelling

subsectionBalta-Ozkan, N. and Strachan, N. 2010

Engaging people in saving energy on a large scale: lessons from the programmes of the Energy Saving Trust in the UK

subsectionEyre, N., Flanagan, B. and Double, K. 2010

Personal Carbon Budgets, Helping individuals to live in a carbon constrained world

subsectionParag, Y., and Strickland, D. 2010

Conference Paper

Presentation on Energy Efficiency and Buildings. Chevening Fellowship Programme on The Economics of Energy, Birmingham 1st March 2010

subsectionEyre, N. 2010

Decomposing Changes in the Energy Demand of UK Manufacturing

subsectionHammond, G.P. and Norman, J.B. 2010

Journal Article

Egalite, fraternite, sustainabilite: evaluating the significance of regional affluence and population growth on carbon emissions

subsectionCranston, G.R. and G.P. Hammond 2010

North and south: regional footprints on the transition pathway towards a low carbon, global economy

subsectionCranston, G.R. and G.P. Hammond 2010

Ecological debt: exploring the factors that influence national environmental footprints

subsectionCranston, G.R., G.P. Hammond and R.C. Johnson 2010

Personal carbon trading: A policy ahead of its time?

subsectionFawcett, T. 2010

The role of bioenergy in the UK's energy future: formulation and modelling of long-term UK bioenergy scenarios

subsectionJablonski, S., Strachan, N., Brand, C. and Bauen, A. 2010

Thoughts on Energy and Buildings Research in the UK: objectives, methods and funding mechanisms

subsectionOreszczyn, T. and Lowe, R.J. 2010

Changes in energy demand from low-energy homes

subsectionSummerfield, A. J., Pathan, A. , Lowe, R. J. and Oreszczyn, T. 2010

Two Models for Benchmarking UK Domestic Energy Demand

subsectionSummerfield, A.J., Lowe, R.J. and Oreszczyn, T. 2010

UKERC Working Paper

Bottom-up social innovation for addressing climate change. ECI Energy Group working paper

subsectionBergman, N., Connor P., Markusson, N., Middlemiss, L. and Ricci, M. 2010

UK Transport Carbon Model

subsectionBrand, C. 2010 document type

Energy Supply (Energy Infrastructure and Supply)

Journal Article

Impact of a large penetration of wind generation on the GB gas network

subsectionQadrdan, M., Chaudry, M., Jainzhong, W., Jenkins, N. and Ekanayake, J. 2010

UKERC Working Paper

Electricity Market Design for a Low-carbon Future

subsectionBaker, P.E., Mitchel, C. and Woodman, B. 2010 document type

Energy Systems (Energy Systems and Modelling)

Book Chapter

Hydrogen system modelling

subsectionBalta-Ozkan, N. and Strachan, N. 2010

Making Reform Happen in Environmental Policy’

subsectionEkins, P., and Salmons, R. 2010

Consultation Response

Environmental and Eco-innovation: Concepts, Evidence and Policies

subsectionEkins, P. and Salmons, R. 2010

Journal Article

Interactions and Implications of Renewable and Climate Change Policy on UK Energy Scenarios

subsectionAnandarajah G., and N. Strachan 2010

Eco-Innovation for Environmental Sustainability: Concepts, Progress and Policies

subsectionEkins, P. 2010

Unannounced Environmental Tax Reform in the UK: The Fuel Duty Escalator and Income Tax in the 1990s

subsectionEkins, P., Kleinman, H., Bell, S., Shaw, B. and Venn, A. 2010

Methodological Review of UK and International Low Carbon Scenarios.

subsectionHughes N. and N. Strachan 2010

'Capture ready' regulation of fossil fuel power plants - Betting the UK's carbon emissions on promises of future technology external website

subsectionMarkusson, N. and Haszeldine, S. 2010

Energy and Environment (Environmental Sustainability)

Book Chapter

Environmental risks and performance assessment of carbon dioxide (COo2) leakage in marine ecosystems

subsectionBlackford, J., Widdicombe, S., Lowe, D., and Chen. B. 2010

Journal Article

Estimating the supply of biomass from short-rotation coppice in England, given social, economic and environmental constraints to land availability

subsectionAylott M.J., Casella E., Farrall K. and Taylor G. 2010

Understanding Changes in the UKs CO2 Emissions: A Global Perspective

subsectionBaiocchi, G. and Minx, J.C. 2010

The impact of social factors on consumer behaviour and carbon dioxide emissions in the United Kingdom: A regression based on input-output and geo-demographic consumer segmentation data

subsectionBaiocchi, G., Minx, J.C. and Hubacek, K. 2010

Uncertainty analysis for Multi-Region Input-Output Models a case study of the UKs carbon footprint

subsectionLenzen, M., Wood, R. and Wiedmann, T. 2010

A Carbon Footprint Time Series of the UK - Results from a Multi-Region Input-Output Model

subsectionWiedmann, T., Wood, R., Minx, J., Lenzen, M., Guan, D. and Harris, R. 2010

Future Sources of Energy

Journal Article

UK microgeneration. Part II: technology overviews.

subsectionStaffell, I., Baker, P., Barton, J.P., Bergman, N., Blanchard, R., Brandon N.P., Brett, D.J.L et al. 2010

Technology and Policy Assessment

Book Chapter

Liberalised Energy Markets: an Obstacle to Renewables?

subsectionGross, R, Heptonstall, P 2010

Journal Article

Review of mathematical models of future oil supply: Historical overview and synthesizing critique

subsectionBrandt, A.R. 2010

Risks, revenues and investment in electricity generation: Why policy needs to look beyond costs

subsectionGross, R.; Blyth, W.; Heptonstall, P. 2010

Energy, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability: Five Propositions' Sustainability

subsectionSorrell, S. 2010

Global Oil Depletion: A review of the evidence

subsectionSorrell, S. Brandt, A., Speirs, J., Miller, R., Bentley, R. 2010

Hubberts Legacy: a review of curve-fitting methods to estimate ultimately recoverable resources

subsectionSorrell, S. and J. Speirs 2010

Oil Futures: a comparison of global supply forecasts

subsectionSorrell, S., Miller, R., Bentley, R. and Speirs, J. 2010

UKERC Research Report

Great Expectations: The cost of offshore wind in UK waters understanding the past and projecting the future

subsectionGreenacre, P., Gross, R. and Heptonstall, P. 2010 document type

UKERC Working Paper

Prioritising the best use of biomass resources: conceptualising trade-offs

subsectionSlade, R., Bauen, A. and Gross, R. 2010 document type

The UK bio-energy resource base to 2050: estimates, assumptions, and uncertainties

subsectionSlade, R., Bauen, A. and Gross, R. 2010 document type

Mapping rebound effects from sustainable behaviours: key concepts and literature review external website

subsectionSorrell, S. 2010

No Research Area applies

Consultation Response

UKERC response to the PRASEG Inquiry - Renewables and the Grid: Access and Management

subsectionBaker, P., Chaudry, M., Mitchell, C, Woodman, B., Jenkins, N., Strbac, G. and Hardy, J. 2010 document type

UKERC response to the DECC consultation on the proposed RHI financial support scheme

subsectionEyre, N., Boardman, B., Bagdanavicius, A., Skea, J. and Hardy, J. 2010 document type

Response to the Ofgem consultation: Project Discovery options for secure and sustainable energy supplies

subsectionMitchell, C., Baker, P. and Gross, R. 2010 document type

Memorandum From Research Councils UK for the Energy and Climate Change Committee Inquiry into UK Deepwater Drilling - Implications of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

subsectionRCUK, NERC, ESRC and UKERC 2010 document type

UKCCSC and UKERC response to the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee inquiry on emissions performance standards (EPS)

subsectionUKCCSC, UKERC 2010 document type

Research Roadmap

Energy Technologies Institute & UK Energy Research Centre : Marine Energy Technology Roadmap, October 2010

subsectionJeffrey, H. 2010 document type