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P114 half-hourly GB electricity grid data

This resource links to a data we hold in our archive


Spatially disaggregate half-hourly data on GB electricity generation and consumption, including detailed per-generator half-hourly generation and balancing operations. The P114 data will be uploaded in batches currently the dataset contains folders for data released in June 2016, then yearly from January 2018 to January 2022 and then quarterly from January 2023 to present with the latest release July 2024. A data description document or read me file is available for each release. NB the number of records is very large - indicated by the value of 999M in the number of records field.




ELEXON Ltd, RCUK Centre for Energy Epidemiology


No DOI minted

Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):

ELEXON Ltd (2007). P114 half-hourly GB electricity grid data [Data set]. ELEXON Ltd, RCUK Centre for Energy Epidemiology. https://ukerc.rl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dataDiscover.pl?Action=detail&dataid=77f93e58-2185-4135-bddd-bc254108839e

Energy Category

Field Dates:

28/12/2007 - 30/06/2024

Data Date Range:

28/12/2007 - 30/06/2024

Data type:

Time Series

Data format:

No format supplied



Number of Units:


Unit Type:

electricity generators and suppliers

Number of Records:



No parameters supplied


Elexon P114 agreement

Rights Overview:

The data is permitted to be used by employees of the Universities who have signed a legal agreement with Elexon and may be used for any research purpose connected to electricity trading and the operation of the British electricity system. However, the detailed disaggregate data must not be redistributed in any form. Currently following universities have signed the agreement: Brunel, Cranfield, Edinburgh, Imperial College, Leicester De Montfort, London School of Econmics (LSE), Loughborough, Newcastle, Open, Oxford, Reading, UCL, Ulster, Warwick and York



Related Dataset(s):

No related datasets

Related Project(s):

No related projects

Related Publications(s):

No related publications

The Energy Data Centre works in collaboration with the CEDA Archive to provide this information