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Projects: Custom Search
Reference Number EP/Y034902/1
Title EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in "Diversity led, mission-driven research"
Status Funded
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency 25%;
Not Energy Related 70%;
Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research (Environmental, social and economic impacts) 5%;
Research Types Training 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 80%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy 20%;
Principal Investigator Dr MC Muellenbroich

School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Glasgow
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 01 July 2024
End Date 30 September 2033
Duration 111 months
Total Grant Value £9,809,118
Industrial Sectors No relevance to Underpinning Sectors
Region Scotland
Programme EPSRC Training Grants
Investigators Principal Investigator Dr MC Muellenbroich , School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow (99.997%)
  Other Investigator Professor Q Abbasi , Aerospace Engineering, University of Glasgow (0.001%)
Professor RS Forgan , Chemistry, University of Glasgow (0.001%)
Dr C Gauchotte-Lindsay , Aerospace Engineering, University of Glasgow (0.001%)
Web Site
Abstract The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in "Diversity-led, mission-driven research" proposes a radical inverted model for CDT delivery. By inverted model, we mean that, rather than coalescing around a scientific topic, we will create an inclusive, supportive and inspiring environment to foster diverse teams (postgraduate researchers, supervisors, management teams, external partners) that together lead innovative and interdisciplinary projects. In doing so we foster truly disruptive and excellent research.The prevalence of genuinely disruptive, novel scientific research is dropping as fields become condensed and researchers are siloed. There is a large body of evidence that describes the significant impact of diversity on innovation. Researchers from marginalised and minority backgrounds, however, face significant hurdles throughout their careers, notably at the transition points before and after postgraduate research. There is therefore a compelling scientific and economic case that focussing on diversity will lead to more significant impact in research and contribute to address the shortfall in skilled STEM workers. The resources, peer-learning, training, mentoring, championship and support provided by the cohort-model and the CDT framework will allow to demonstrate that when the appropriate environments are in place, diversity and excellence will flourish.The University of Glasgow is ideally placed to support and host this CDT; its world-leading academic expertise and infrastructures and internationally leading track record in positive research culture offer unique opportunities for collaborative research. It also has accumulated significant experience in inclusive research through various initiatives to support underrepresented communities, including our highly successful James McCune Smith PhD Scholarships for Black British students. Our CDT will build upon these to offer radical new pathways for the training of scientists and the generation of innovative interdisciplinary science around key institutional thematic areas.We will apply evidence-led best practice alongside our longstanding institutional experience to ensure diversity permeates across our recruitment, project selection, training, supervision, mentoring, retention, governance and self-reflection processes. Through tailored, structured support of our researchers and academics, both individually and collectively as annual cohorts, we will foster an inclusive community where our members will be united by a sense of common purpose to effectively tackle mission-driven challenges.Three pillars underpin CDT delivery: CONNECT, community engagement and long-term pipeline building activities attract those who have been discouraged from PhDs or faced insurmountable structural barriers to entry; BELONG, intensive training activities and PhD-spanning cohort building activities, ensure all students are fully prepared for PhD study and integrated into the CDT; and THRIVE, comprehensivetraining, mentoring, networking and external engagement complements interdisciplinary research activities to foster a pipeline of diverse, talented graduates, with enhanced career prospects across a range of sectors. Through innovative CDT management: our online Catalogue of Possibilities to capture the imagination of applicants; the use of sandpits to generate discipline-crossing projects; enhanced bespoke mentoring from industry and academia; and an inverted crucible exercise to allow students to select projects and supervisors, we will demonstrate the clear pathway from diversity to excellence. We will offer opportunities for diverse talent to thrive, and in doing so generate genuine scientific excellence while building a critical mass of role models and research leaders, as well as novel initiatives in fostering inclusive research culture. The CDT will therefore be a catalyst for genuine, positive change, and act as a beacon for UK Higher Education
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 01/05/24